martes, 31 de mayo de 2022

Earthquakes around the world from June 6 to June 19, 2022

Earthquakes for Peru:

Lima, Peru: Earthquake over 4,8 on the Richter scale. 

North of Peru: earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale (probably Ancash or Cajamarca, a place surrounded by hills). 

South of Peru: Earthquake over 5,3 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Jungle of Peru: Earthquake over 4,7 degrees on the Richter scale (probably Amazonas). 

Chile: Center of Chile and surroundings, earthquake over 5,0 degrees on the Richter scale (probably Coquimbo). 

Ecuador: Earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Mexico: 2 Earthquakes over 4,7 degrees on the Richter scale (One probably in Chiapas). 


Greece: Earthquake over 4,8 degrees on the Richter scale.


United States: Earthquake in South of the country over 4,8 degrees on the Richter scale (probably California). 

2 Earthquakes in Central America:

Costa Rica and Nicaragua: Earthquakes over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Argentina: Earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Paraguay: Earthquake over 4,2 degrees on the Richter scale. 

El Salvador: Earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Colombia:Earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 


An earthquake over 6,0 degrees in the Richter scale. 

Sismos en el mundo del 6 de junio al 19 de junio de 2022

Sismos para Per煤:

Lima, Per煤: Sismo mayor a 4,8 grados en la escala de Richter. 

Norte de Per煤: Sismo mayor a 4,5 grados en la escala de Richter (probablemente Ancash o Cajamarca, lugar rodeado de cerros)

Sur de Per煤: varios sismos menores de 5,5 grados y habr谩 uno mayor a 5,3 grados en la escala de Richter. 

Selva de Per煤, un sismo mayor a 4,7 grados en la escala de Richter (probablemente Amazonas).

Chile: Centro de Chile y cercan铆as, sismo mayor a 5, 0 grados en la escala de Richter (probablemente Coquimbo). 

Ecuador: Sismo mayor a 4,5 grados en la escala de Richter. 

M茅xico: 2 Sismos mayores a 4,7 grados en la escala de Richter(uno probablemente en Chiapas).


Grecia: Sismo mayor a 4,8 grados en la escala de Richter. 

Estados Unidos: Sismo fuerte en el sur de Estados Unidos mayor a 4,8 grados en la escala de Richter (probablemente California). 

2 sismos en Centroam茅rica:

Costa Rica y Nicaragua: Sismos mayores a 4,5 grados en la escala de Richter. 

Argentina: Sismo mayor a 4,5 grados en la escala de Richter. 

Paraguay: Sismo mayor a 4, 2 grados en la Escala de Richter. 

El Salvador: Sismo mayor a 4,5 grados en la Escala de Richter. 

Colombia: Sismo mayor a 4,5 grados en la escala de Richter. 


Un terremoto mayor a 6,0 grados en la escala de Richter. 


lunes, 30 de mayo de 2022

Peru's political situation for 2022 and next 4 years

Castillo, family and friends enriched with money from citizens, he will flee and will not finish his mandate. A woman tries to come to power but the people in disagreement do not allow it. Possibly a man will enter the government by betraying Castillo, but this man cannot be trusted either because he keeps many secrets. Later, a woman enters to govern Peru, ending the economic imbalance.

(Prediction made in February 2022)

Protests will continue:

Difficult days for Peru and energy of mourning, there will be more deaths, destruction and fire in the streets, use of weapons and abuse of authority. We can't even sleep. Later, a man of strong character enters against Castillo. Castillo will leave the country during the first months of 2023, it is already within his plans to flee but he is waiting for "the right moment." Overnight, without a president again, by the end of 2022 or during 2023. Possibly he will flee with the help of corrupt military.

(Prediction made on April 5, 2022) 

Situaci贸n pol铆tica de Per煤 para 2022 y pr贸ximos 4 a帽os

Castillo, familia y amigos enriquecidos con dinero de los ciudadanos, huir谩 y no terminar谩 su mandato. Una mujer intenta llegar al poder pero la gente en desacuerdo no lo permite. Posiblemente entre un hombre a gobernar traicionando a Castillo, pero este hombre tampoco es de fiar porque guarda muchos secretos. M谩s adelante entra una mujer a gobernar el pa铆s, terminando con el desequilibrio econ贸mico. 

(Predicci贸n hecha en febrero de 2022)

Continuar谩n protestas:

D铆as dif铆ciles para Per煤 y energ铆a de luto, habr谩 m谩s fallecidos, destrozos e incendios en las calles, uso de armas y abuso de autoridad. No podremos ni dormir. M谩s adelante ingresa un hombre de car谩cter fuerte en contra de Castillo. Castillo huir谩 del pa铆s durante los primeros meses de 2023, ya est谩 dentro de sus planes huir pero est谩 esperando "el momento correcto". De la noche a la ma帽ana sin presidente otra vez, para fines de 2022 o durante 2023. Posiblemente huir谩 con ayuda de militares corruptos.

(Predicci贸n hecha el 5 de abril de 2022)

Peru's economy for 2022 and next 4 years

Increase in food prices, you will be surprised because some 1-liter juices or soft drinks will be sold for almost 10 soles each one, in the next 4 years. 

(Prediction made in February 2022) 

Alert to stock up:

Buy many packaged foods, difficult times are coming for Peru until December or early 2023. Buy bottled water, juices, tuna, biscuits, stevia or sugar, rice, noodles, sausages and cheeses, bimbo bread and cleaning supplies. Some days you will find almost nothing in the stores and other days you will find it but food will fly. I see exorbitant prices.

(Prediction made in April 2022) 

Product shortages:

For now, only 3 packages per person, later it will be 3 persons for a single food package or 1 bottle.

(Prediction made on April 5, 2022) 

Econom铆a de Per煤 para 2022 y pr贸ximos 4 a帽os

Alza de precios de alimentos, te sorprender谩n porque algunos jugos o gaseosas de 1 litro llegar谩n a venderse casi a 10 soles cada uno, en los pr贸ximos 4 a帽os. 
(Predicci贸n hecha en febrero de 2022) 

Alerta para abastecerse:
Compren muchos alimentos empaquetados, se vienen tiempos dif铆ciles para Per煤 hasta diciembre o inicios de 2023. Compren agua embotellada, jugos, at煤n, galletas, stevia o az煤car, arroz, fideo, embutidos y quesos, pan bimbo y elementos de limpieza. Algunos d铆as no encontrar谩s casi nada en las tiendas y otros d铆as s铆 pero volar谩n. Visualizo precios exorbitantes. 
(Predicci贸n hecha en abril de 2022) 

Escasez de productos (5 de abril de 2022)
Por ahora, solo 3 paquetes por persona, m谩s adelante ser谩 3 personas por un solo paquete de alimento o 1 botella.
(Predicci贸n hecha el 5 de abril de 2022) 

Peru elections 2022

There will be electoral fraud in October 2022 in Peru. People will notice. A group will spoil the elections for a favorite candidate. People will protest. There is a pact with money behind everything.

Lopez Aliaga: Something similar to the last elections will happen, they will steal the votes.

It will be the real winner of the elections. PL puts his hands in the ballot to give the winner to another candidate. Strong statements against PL. L贸pez Aliaga claims his victory but it will all be in vain.

Urresti: He lose elections. He will be in 2nd place. He will protest against corruption in the scrutiny. Later, he will hold a position again.

Forsyth: He will win the elections, by an agreement or pact with PL (I visualize a lot of money). After being involved, he leaves the mayor's office and flees.

Predictions made on May 26, 2022. 

Elecciones Per煤 2022

Habr谩 fraude electoral en las elecciones de octubre 2022 en Per煤. La gente se dar谩 cuenta. Le echan a perder las elecciones a un candidato favorito. La gente protestar谩. Hay un pacto con dinero detr谩s de todo. 

L贸pez Aliaga: Suceder谩 algo similar a las elecciones pasadas, le robar谩n los votos. 

Ser谩 el verdadero ganador de las elecciones. PL mete sus manos en el escrutinio para dar por ganador a otro candidato. Fuertes declaraciones contra PL.  L贸pez Aliaga reclama su victoria pero todo ser谩 en vano. 

Urresti: Pierde las elecciones. Queda en 2do lugar. Protestar谩 contra la corrupci贸n en el escrutinio. M谩s adelante ocupar谩 alg煤n cargo nuevamente. 

Forsyth: Gana las elecciones, por un acuerdo o pacto con PL (visualizo mucho dinero). Luego al verse involucrado abandona la alcald铆a y huye. 

Predicciones hechas el 26 de mayo de 2022. 

Earthquake in Lima in 2022

The earthquake in Lima will be 6.0 to 7.1, probably 6.9. It will last almost 2 minutes. It will happen after the middle of the year, when we go to sleep we will wake up scared.

It will possibly be August 19, 2022. On August 18 they will go to sleep and on the 19th they will wake up scared at night. Some old mansions will be uninhabitable and many houses will have cracks.

I visualize another earthquake but with an epicenter in Arequipa (or maybe Ica, but in southern Peru) which will also be felt in Lima because of how powerful it will be. This earthquake will be serious, it will be of a magnitude greater than 7.2 and it will occur in daylight. I visualize people running and people who live near hills and/or volcanoes moving away from them. This earthquake will also occur after the middle of the year.

Predictions made in March 2022. 

Terremoto en Lima en 2022

El terremoto en Lima ser谩 6,0 a 7,1, probablemente 6,9. Tendr谩 una duraci贸n casi de 2 minutos. Ocurrir谩 despu茅s de mitad de a帽o, cuando nos vayamos a dormir nos despertaremos asustados. 

Posiblemente sea el 19 de agosto de 2022, el 18 de agosto se ir谩n a dormir y el 19 despertar谩n asustados en la madrugada. Algunas casonas viejas quedar谩n inhabitables y muchas casas presentar谩n rajaduras. 

Visualizo otro terremoto m谩s pero con epicentro en Arequipa (o tal vez Ica, pero en el sur de Per煤) el cual tambi茅n se sentir谩 en Lima por lo potente que ser谩. Este terremoto si ser谩 de gravedad, ser谩 de una magnitud mayor a 7,2 y ocurrir谩 a la luz d铆a. Visualizo gente corriendo y las personas que viven cerca a cerros y/o volcanes alej谩ndose de estos. Este terremoto tambi茅n ocurrir谩 despu茅s de mitad de a帽o.

Predicciones hechas en marzo de 2022. 

Venezuela's economy in 2022

Bad news for Venezuela: Powerful countries have it in their sights but they will continue economically bad and the dictator government of Maduro doesn't have when it ends.

Prediction made in February 2022.

Econom铆a de Venezuela en 2022

Malas noticias para Venezuela: Pa铆ses potencias lo tienen en la mira pero continuar谩 econ贸micamente mal y el gobierno dictador de Maduro no tiene cuando acabar.

Predicci贸n hecha en febrero de 2022. 

Violence continues around the world

Unfortunately on May 30, Adriana's femicide occurred, similar to Debanhi's case. I predicted that violence and delinquency would increase in Mexico and in other countries as United States, Chile and Peru. 

Contin煤a la violencia alrededor del mundo

Lamentablemente el lunes 30 de mayo ocurri贸 el feminicidio de Adriana, similar al de Debanhi. Predije que iba a aumentar la violencia y delincuencia en M茅xico, as铆 como en otros pa铆ses: Estados Unidos, Chile y Per煤.

Increase in cases of Monkeypox

Increase in cases from July to September 2022. Be careful at airports/bus terminals. They will lock us again in our houses. Nurses with boxes of vaccines ready to apply. Sick people on stretchers with red faces (I have seen more white-skinned patients). Please wear plastic gloves and masks. Don't touch surfaces or things in the streets.

Predictions made on May 30,2022.

Incremento de casos de la Viruela del mono

Incremento de casos de julio a septiembre 2022 . Tengan cuidado en los aeropuertos/terminales de buses. Nos encerrar谩n de nuevo en nuestras casas. Enfermeros con cajas de vacunas listas para aplicar. Enfermos en camillas con las caras rojas (he visualizado mayor cantidad de pacientes de piel blanca). Por favor usen guantes de pl谩stico y mascarillas. No toquen superficies o cosas en las calles.

Predicci贸n hecha el 30 de mayo de 2022.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2022

Peru's economy for 2022 and 2023

More protests and price increase, looting and weapons in hand will continue. I visualize a man with a strong character who will want to impose himself on Castillo. Things will improve a little between December 2022 and the beginning of 2023. Extra: I visualize mourning in Peruvian politics between the end of 2022 and during 2023.

Predictions made in April 2022. 

Econom铆a de Per煤 para 2022 y 2023

Continuar谩n las protestas y alza de precios, saqueos y armas en mano. Visualizo a un hombre de car谩cter fuerte que se querr谩 imponer ante Castillo. Las cosas mejorar谩n un poco entre diciembre de 2022 e inicios de a帽o de 2023. Extra: Visualizo luto en la pol铆tica peruana entre fin de 2022 y durante el a帽o 2023.

Predicciones hechas en abril de 2022. 

Upcoming deaths of politicians in 2023: Peru

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski is in the initial phase of an illness, he will die in 2023.

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and Alberto Fujimori, ex-presidents of Peru, will die in 2023.

Predictions made on May 29,2022.

Pr贸ximos fallecimientos de pol铆ticos en 2023: Per煤

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski se encuentra en la fase inicial de una enfermedad, fallecer谩 en 2023.

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski y Alberto Fujimori, ex presidentes de Per煤, fallecer谩 en 2023.

Predicciones hechas el 29 de mayo de 2022.


Fire in a Shopping Center in Lima, Peru

There will be a short circuit or fire in a central and modern shopping center in Lima between the months of April and October. Will probably happen in a day between Monday to Thursday. The emergency only will leave injuries.

Prediction made in April 2022. 

Incendio en Centro Comercial en Lima, Per煤

Habr谩 cortocircuito o se incendiar谩
un centro comercial muy c茅ntrico y
moderno en Lima entre los meses de 
abril y octubre. Probablemente ocurrir谩
un d铆a entre lunes a jueves, por lo que no dejar谩 v铆ctimas mortales. 

Predicci贸n hecha en abril de 2022. 

Shakira in 2022 and next 4 years

Shakira will not go to prison but will pay a large sum of money. Shakira has had black magic done on her. 

Shakira's musical career is on the decline, I visualize that it will be very difficult for her to have new successes as in previous years.

Shakira will divorce Pique.

Predictions made on May 29,2022.

Shakira en 2022 y pr贸ximos 4 a帽os

Shakira no ir谩 a la c谩rcel pero pagar谩 gran suma de dinero. A Shakira le han hecho magia negra. 

La carrera musical de Shakira va en declive, visualizo que muy dif铆cilmente tendr谩 nuevos 茅xitos como en a帽os anteriores. 

Shakira se divorciar谩 de Piqu茅. 

Predicciones hechas el 29 de mayo de 2022. 

Natural disasters in the United States for 2022

Wildfires in California in 2022.

Cyclone near Palm Beach, Florida, United States in 2022.

Earthquake in the United States. Texas to California (approximate date: July to August 2022).

Predictions made in May 2022.

Desastres naturales en Estados Unidos para el 2022

Incendios forestales en California en 2022.
Wildfires in California in 2022.

Cicl贸n cerca a Palm Beach, Florida, Estados Unidos en 2022.

Terremoto en Estados Unidos. Texas a California (fecha aproximada: Julio a Agosto de 2022).

Predicciones hechas en mayo de 2022. 

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022

Versus de signos zodiacales: Estabilidad econ贸mica

Signos con m谩s probabilidades de tener buena estabilidad econ贸mica con su propio esfuerzo:

1 Capricornio 

2 G茅minis

3 C谩ncer

4 Aries

5 Acuario

6 Escorpio 

Signos que hacen trampa para conseguir lo que quieren

1 Leo

2 Virgo

3 Libra

4 Tauro

5 Sagitario 

6 Piscis

Violence in the United States during 2022

Lack of control in the sale of weapons, weapons sold cheaply and at a lower price by people with money. People shooting at each other to defend themselves. 
Take care of women, they are in danger.

There are so many dysfunctional homes in the United States, including vices and obscene things, that they are conducive to the increase of a terrible childhood creating future murderers. I visualize people moving or even leaving the country due to the increase in violence. 

There will be around 7 more shootings/massacres in schools, universities, metro stations, work centers or commercial premises.

Violencia en Estados Unidos durante 2022

Descontrol en la venta de armas, armas vendidas por lo bajo y a menor precio por personas con dinero. Personas disparando unas contra otras para defenderse. Cuiden a las mujeres, ellas est谩n en peligro. 

Hay hogares tan disfuncionales en Estados Unidos, incluyendo vicios y cosas obscenas, que hacen propicio el incremento de una infancia terrible creando futuros asesinos. 
Visualizo gente mud谩ndose o hasta saliendo del pa铆s por el incremento de la violencia. 
Habr谩n alrededor de 7 tiroteos/ masacres m谩s en colegios, universidades, estaciones de metro, centros de trabajo o locales comerciales.

Salvador's profile, the Texas killer

He lived a lot of loneliness in his childhood, he carried a lot of sadness. As much as he had a family, he felt alone and misunderstood. He tries to hide his violent personality. But her mother did know. Salvador knew that he had the ability to kill people, because of his violence.

He suffered sexual violence. His mother covered a lot for him. Salvador was on the defensive with the world and the people around him. The sadness and pain in his childhood it was his motive to murder people in revenge for what he lived through.

In his childhood, he experienced too much violence.
His father left home when he was only a few years old. The father was also violent,
as well as some members of his family.

The Texas killer was bisexual, fought with
his family about this and he had to hide
his sexuality. He wanted to leave his house when he saw that his family didn't accept his sexuality. I was in conflict over this issue. In addition to that, the environment family was very violent and at school he suffered from
bullying. He was forced to lie about his

El perfil de Salvador, el asesino de Texas

Vivi贸 mucha soledad en su infancia, cargaba mucha tristeza. Por m谩s que ten铆a familia se sent铆a solo e incomprendido. Trata de esconder su personalidad violenta. Pero su madre s铆 sab铆a. Salvador sab铆a que ten铆a la capacidad de matar gente, por su violencia.

Sufri贸 de violencia sexual. Su madre lo cubr铆a mucho. Salvador estaba a la defensiva con el mundo y las personas que lo rodeaban. La tristeza y dolor  en su infancia fue su motivo para asesinar personas en venganza de lo que vivi贸.

En su infancia, vivi贸 demasiada violencia.

Su padre abandon贸 el hogar desde que el ten铆a pocos a帽os de vida. El padre tambi茅n era violento,

a lo igual que algunos miembros de su familia. 

El asesino de Texas era bisexual, peleaba con su familia acerca de esto y 茅l ten铆a que esconder su sexualidad. 脡l quer铆a marcharse de su casa al ver que su familia no aceptaba su sexualidad. Viv铆a en conflicto por este tema. Sumado a eso, el entorno familiar era muy violento y en la escuela sufr铆a de bullying. Se ve铆a obligado a mentir respecto a su sexualidad. 

mi茅rcoles, 25 de mayo de 2022

Weekly horoscope from May 29 to June 4, 2022

♈ Aries: March 21–April 19

Be careful with separations or infidelities. Your effort is bearing fruit and soon you will have good economic news. Those who are single will continue to be disappointed because don't find the right person.

Phrase: Continue until you meet your goals, don't stop.

♉ Taurus: April 20–May 20

You will be successful at work this week, also try to play games of chance as you will be lucky. Be careful with envious people who want to see you badly. You must be alert, beware of delinquency or accidents on the street or at home. Those who have a couple, an infidelity, fight or even divorce is approaching.

Phrase: Don't let yourself collapse because of what others say, you are strong.

♊ Gemini: May 21–June 21

In love, I see you succeeding and with a consolidated couple. I visualize pregnancies starting in June. At work, you will also have a good economy until a possible salary increase soon. Phrase: Fertility in various aspects of your life, take advantage of it.

♋ Cancer: June 22–July 22

Use your intelligence, creativity and intuition for your work and increased income. Stop doubting yourself. If you have a couple, the relationship will rise to a degree of commitment or even possible wedding. But beware of people who don't like to see happy people.

Phrase: The truth always triumphs.

♌ Leo: July 23–August 22

You feel somewhat confused in some aspect of your life. Be careful with the decisions you make, even more so if it is about papers or money. You have an elderly woman who always helps and advises you. Be careful that someone isn't honest with you in one hundred percent.

Phrase: You have the power to direct your life and make the best decisions.

♍ Virgo: August 23–September 22

You aren't so stable in some aspect of your life. You will discover some betrayal or that someone did something on purpose to harm you. Take care of your money, you are spending more than you should. You urgently need to change your environment, your relationship with your family, a friend or couple is toxic.

Phrase: Learn to make sacrifices to obtain improvements in any aspect of your life.

♎ Libra: September 23–October 23

Your economy will prosper little by little, you will get a good surprise. Try to play games of chance or lottery. There are people who speak ill of you, it may be that you find out and react badly against those people. Someone is hiding a secret from you and you will also soon discover it.

Phrase: If you organize yourself better, you can achieve your goals.

♏ Scorpio: October 24–November 21

You will discover some infidelity from your couple or bad comments made about you by a co-worker or study partner. Do not get carried away by the anger that this may cause you, just respond with your best attitude. If you are well with your couple, prosperous family moments are approaching.

Phrase: Family love is the most important thing in your life and it is your motivaci贸n. 

♐ Sagittarius: November 22–December 21

Debts or not enough money doesn't let you sleep peacefully. If you're single, you don't sleep thinking about someone you care about but who doesn't reciprocate, but you keep hoping that one day they'll be together and you'll keep insisting. If you are in a relationship, a stage is ending and a pregnancy is approaching, congratulations! If you have an elderly relative, you may receive bad news.

Phrase: Life is about stages and looking for a balance.

♑ Capricorn: December 22–January 19

A person has already upset you and there will be a dispute, is a woman who causes you problems. It may also be that they have an inconvenience at work, keep that job and avoid getting into trouble. Beware of unwanted pregnancies, plan. Take care of your health too, you could be attending the hospital for some ailment.

Phrase: Avoid falling into melancholy and move on, better things await you. 

♒ Aquarius: January 20–February 18

An opportunity in love will come into your life, take the time to get to know this person because they are interesting. If you already have a couple, the wedding or news of pregnancy is approaching, congratulations! In terms of finances, it isn't a good time to travel or make large expenses because it could leave you in debt.

Phrase: Take advantage of this stage of positive changes. 

♓ Pisces: February 19–March 20

People forget the good things you did for them and they start criticizing you, don't pay attention to them. If you are about to carry out any procedure, it is best to wait a little longer. Changes are coming for your life and for the better, but if you don't let go of the past or a certain grudge you have, you won't be able to move forward. If you are single, a new love is coming, but it will not last long.

Phrase: Don't sink into your thoughts and look forward.

Hor贸scopo semanal del 29 de mayo al 4 de junio de 2022

♈ Aries: 21 de marzo-19 de abril

Ten cuidado con separaciones o infidelidades. Tu esfuerzo est谩 dando frutos y pronto tendr谩s buenas noticias econ贸micas. Los que est谩n solteros, continuar谩n con desilusi贸n porque no encuentran a la persona indicada.

Frase: Contin煤a hasta que cumplas tus objetivos, no te detengas. 

♉Tauro: 20 de abril-20 de mayo

Tendr谩s 茅xito en el trabajo esta semana,tambien trata de jugar juegos de azar ya que tendr谩s suerte. Ten cuidado con las personas envidiosas que quieren verte mal. Debes estar alerta, cuidado con robos o accidentes en la calle o en casa. Los que tienen pareja, se aproxima una infidelidad, pelea o hasta divorcio. 

Frase: No te dejes derrumbar por lo que dicen los dem谩s, t煤 eres fuerte. 

♊G茅minis: 21 de mayo-21 de junio

En el amor, te veo triunfando y con pareja consolidada. Visualizo embarazos iniciando el mes de junio. En el trabajo, tambi茅n tendr谩s buena econom铆a hasta un posible aumento de salario pr贸ximamente. Frase: Fertilidad en varios aspectos de tu vida, aprov茅chalo. 

♋ C谩ncer: 22 de junio-22 de julio

Utiliza tu inteligencia, creatividad e intuici贸n para tu trabajo y aumento de ingresos. Deja de dudar de ti mismo. Si tienes pareja, la relaci贸n se elevar谩 a grado de compromiso o hasta posible matrimonio. Pero ten cuidado con personas que no les gusta ver a personas felices. 

Frase: La verdad siempre triunfa. 

♌ Leo: 23 de julio-22 de agosto

Te sientes algo confundido en alg煤n aspecto de tu vida. Ten cuidado con las decisiones que tomes m谩s a煤n si se trata sobre papeles o dinero. Tienes a una mujer de edad avanzada que siempre te ayuda y te aconseja. Cuidado que alguien no es sincero contigo al cien por ciento. 

Frase: Tienes el poder de dirigir tu vida y tomar las mejores decisiones.

♍ Virgo: 23 de agosto-22 de septiembre 

No te encuentras tan estable en alg煤n aspecto de tu vida. Descubrir谩s alguna traici贸n o que alguien hizo algo a prop贸sito para perjudicarte. Cuida tu dinero, est谩s gastando m谩s de lo debido. Necesitas urgentemente cambiar de ambiente, tu relaci贸n con tu familia, alg煤n amigo o pareja es t贸xica. 

Frase: Aprende a realizar sacrificios para obtener mejoras en cualquier aspecto de tu vida. 

♎ Libra: 23 de septiembre-23 de octubre

Tu econom铆a prosperar谩 poco a poco, te llevar谩s una buena sorpresa. Intenta jugar juegos de azar o loter铆a. Hay personas que hablan mal de ti, puede ser que te enteres y reacciones mal contra esas personas. Alguien te esconde un secreto y tambi茅n pronto lo descubrir谩s.

Frase: Si te organizas mejor, podr谩s lograr tus metas. 

♏ Escorpio: 24 de octubre-21 de noviembre

Descubrir谩s alguna infidelidad de tu pareja o malos comentarios que hacen de ti alg煤n compa帽ero de trabajo o estudios. No te dejes llevar por la ira que te pueda causar esto, solo responde con tu mejor actitud. Si est谩s bien con tu pareja, se aproximan momentos pr贸speros en familia.

Frase: El amor de familia es lo m谩s importante en tu vida y es tu motivaci贸n. 

♐ Sagitario: 22 de noviembre-21 de diciembre 

Las deudas o el que no te alcance el dinero no te deja dormir tranquilamente. Si est谩s soltero, no duermes pensando en alguien quien te importa pero que no te corresponde pero guardas las esperanzas de que alg煤n d铆a estar谩n juntos y continuar谩s insistiendo. Si est谩s en pareja, termina una etapa y se aproxima un embarazo ¡enhorabuena!. Si tienes alg煤n familiar de edad avanzada, pueda ser que recibas una mala noticia.

Frase: La vida se trata de etapas y de buscar un equilibrio. 

♑ Capricornio: 22 de diciembre-19 de enero

Una persona ya te sac贸 de quicio y habr谩 una disputa, es una mujer quien te causa problemas. Tambi茅n puede ser que tengan alg煤n inconveniente en el trabajo, conserva ese trabajo y evita meterte en problemas. Cuidado con los embarazos no deseados, planifica. Cuida tu salud tambi茅n, podr铆as estar asistiendo al hospital por alguna dolencia.

Frase: Evita caer en la melancol铆a y sigue adelante, te esperan cosas mejores. 

♒ Acuario: 20 de enero-18 de febrero

Llegar谩 a tu vida una oportunidad en el amor, t贸mate el tiempo de conocer a esta persona porque es interesante. Si ya tienes una pareja, se aproxima la boda o noticia de embarazo, ¡felicidades!.En cuanto a lo econ贸mico, no es buen momento para viajes o hacer gastos grandes porque podr铆a dejarte endeudado. 

Frase: Aprovecha esta etapa de cambios positivos.

♓ Piscis: 19 de febrero-20 de marzo

La gente olvida las cosas buenas que hiciste por ellas y se dedican a criticarte, no les hagas caso. Si est谩s a punto de realizar alg煤n tr谩mite, lo mejor es esperar un poco m谩s. Vienen cambios para tu vida y para mejor, pero si no sueltas el pasado o un cierto rencor que tienes,  no podr谩s avanzar. Si est谩s soltero, se aproxima un nuevo amor, pero no durar谩 mucho.

Frase: No te hundas en tus pensamientos y mira hacia adelante. 

Interactive horoscope from May 29 to June 4, 2022

Luckiest zodiac sign of the week: Aquarius. 

Least lucky zodiac sign of the week: Pisces. 

Zodiac sign with pending things and debts to settle: Gemini. 

Lucky zodiac sign for love:  Scorpio. 

Zodiac sign that will fight the most this week: Leo. 

Zodiac sign that will be lazy this week: Virgo. 

Zodiac sign with a lot of money luck for this week: Sagittarius. 

Zodiac sign that will have problems this week: Cancer. 

Zodiac sign that will be prizewinning or praised this week:  Capricorn. 

Zodiac sign that should take more care of your health: Libra. 

Zodiac sign that will have great ideas: Taurus. 

The best week in all aspects will be for the zodiac sign of: Aries. 

Hor贸scopo interactivo del 29 de mayo al 4 de junio de 2022

Signo zodiacal con m谩s suerte en la semana: Acuario. 

Signo zodiacal con menos suerte en la semana:  Piscis. 

Signo zodiacal con cosas pendientes y deudas que resolver: G茅minis. 

Signo zodiacal con suerte para el amor: Escorpio. 

Signo zodiacal que pelear谩 m谩s esta semana: Leo. 

Signo zodiacal que tendr谩 flojera esta semana: Virgo. 

Signo zodiacal con mucha suerte en el dinero para esta semana: Sagitario. 

Signo zodiacal que tendr谩 problemas esta semana: C谩ncer. 

Signo zodiacal que ser谩 premiado o alabado esta semana:  Capricornio. 

Signo zodiacal que debe cuidar m谩s su salud: Libra. 

Signo zodiacal que tendr谩 ideas geniales: Tauro. 

La mejor semana en todos los aspectos ser谩 para el signo zodiacal de: Aries. 

martes, 24 de mayo de 2022

School Shooting in United States

It wasn't the exact location but there was a shooting in the United States at a school just as I predicted earlier for this year 2022. 

Prediction made in April 2022. 

Tiroteo en colegio de Estados Unidos, predicci贸n cumplida

No fue la ubicaci贸n exacta pero s铆 hubo tiroteo en Estados Unidos en un colegio tal y como lo predije anteriormente para este a帽o 2022.

Predicci贸n hecha en abril de 2022.

How to take care of yourself against monkeypox?


¿C贸mo protegerse de la viruela del mono?


Sudden deaths of famous singers, part 5

-These sudden deaths will continue to occur. A rock singer, friend and admirer of one of the deceased was also threatened and also knows the truth.

-Not only in music will these sudden deaths occur, but also with actors, painters or writers. Deaths without precise causes and that will leave you in shock. They will not tell us the truth about the causes of death.

-Taylor Momsen, is also almost part of this list. There are secrets behind your depression.

Repentinos fallecimientos de cantantes famosos, parte 5

-Van a seguir ocurriendo estos fallecimientos repentinos. Una cantante de rock, amiga y admiradora de uno de los fallecidos tambi茅n fue amenazada y tambi茅n sabe la verdad.

-No solo en la m煤sica ocurrir谩n estos repentinos fallecimientos, sino tambi茅n con actores, pintores o escritores. Fallecimientos sin causas precisas y que dejar谩n en shock. No nos dir谩n la verdad de las causas de fallecimiento. 

-Taylor Momsen, tambi茅n casi forma parte de esta lista. Hay secretos detr谩s de su depresi贸n. 

Sudden deaths of famous singers, part 4

Whitney Houston:

Apart from Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell, Whitney Houston is also part of this list. 

She didn't die of drug drowning, that comes to be secondary when practically this group forced her to end her life. He already had depression due to his environment but to that was added the constant threats from this power group. Her death was similar to Avicii's, I mean she died suddenly. They hide from us the true causes of her death.

Repentinos fallecimientos de cantantes famosos, parte 4

Whitney Houston:

A parte de Chester Bennington y Chris Cornell, Whitney Houston tambi茅n es parte de esta lista. 

No falleci贸 por ahogamiento por drogas, eso viene a ser secundario cuando pr谩cticamente este grupo de poder la oblig贸 a acabar con su vida. Ten铆a depresi贸n ya debido a su entorno pero a eso se le sumaron las amenazas constantes de este grupo de poder. Su muerte fue parecida a la de Avicii, me refiero a que muri贸 repentinamente. Nos ocultan las verdaderas causas de su muerte. 

Sudden deaths of famous singers, part 3

Several more have been forced to die in much the same way as Avicii. 

-Confidentiality contracts so that they don't declare and the anguish leads them to depression, then to death.

Repentinos fallecimientos de cantantes famosos, parte 3

Varios artistas m谩s han sido obligados a morir casi de la misma manera de Avicii. 

-Contratos de confidencialidad para que no declaren y la angustia los lleva a la depresi贸n, luego a la muerte. 

Sudden deaths of famous singers, part 2


-Was he suffering from depression as far as he knew?

Yes. But he had a good coexistence with his family and friends.

Subliminal messages in the song "Wake Me Up", yes.

-Wake Me Up narrated Avicii's life in those moments, his depression reflected in the song due to the constant threats of this group of power so that Avicii doesn't declare. Unfortunately, his only way out was death.

Repentinos fallecimientos de cantantes famosos, parte 2


-¿Sufr铆a de depresi贸n por lo que sab铆a?

S铆. Pero ten铆a una buena convivencia con su entorno familiar y amigos. 

-Mensajes subliminales en la canci贸n "Wake Me Up" , s铆. 

-Wake Me Up narraba la vida de Avicii en esos momentos, su depresi贸n reflejada en la canci贸n debido a las constantes amenazas de este grupo

de poder para que Avicii no declare. Lamentablemente, su 煤nica salida fue la muerte.

Sudden death of famous singers, part 1


Did he commit suicide or was he killed?

-They threatened him, it was not a voluntary suicide. Avicii was forced to commit suicide because he found no other way out.

-He felt constantly attacked but he intended to speak the truth to bring out many secrets about p*zz*g*t*. Powerful people with a lot of money behind his sudden death who threatened him.

-Avicii had a good relationship with his environment, until these threats from this power group were presented. Avicii wanted to get rid of a confidentiality agreement. He felt pressured and as the last wishes of his life, he traveled to different countries, including Peru.

Repentinos fallecimientos de cantantes famosos, parte 1


¿Se suicid贸 o lo mataron?

-Lo amenazaron, no fue un suicidio voluntario. Avicii fue obligado a suicidarse porque no encontr贸 otra salida. 

-Se sent铆a constantemente atacado pero ten铆a la intenci贸n de hablar con la verdad para sacar a la luz muchos secretos sobre p*zz*g*t*. Gente de poder con mucho dinero detr谩s de su repentina muerte quienes lo amenazaron. 

-Avicii ten铆a una buena relaci贸n con su entorno, hasta que se presentaron estas amenazas de este grupo de poder. Avicii quiso deshacerse de un contrato de confidencialidad. Se sinti贸 presionado y como 煤ltimos deseos de su vida, viaj贸 por distintos pa铆ses incluido Per煤.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2022

Next volcano eruptions from 2022

Etna volcano will erupt in 2023.

Eruption of a submarine volcano in the Pacific Ocean, which will cause plate movement from 2022.

Yellowstone Volcano will erupt anytime from 2023. 

Volcano in Peru will want to erupt in 2022 (probably Arequipa). 

Volcano in Chile will erupt between 2022 and 2023.

Pr贸ximas erupciones de volcanes desde 2022

Volc谩n Etna har谩 erupci贸n en 2023.

Erupci贸n de un volc谩n submarino en el oc茅ano Pac铆fico, que provocar谩 movimiento de placas a partir de 2022. 

El Volc谩n Yellowstone har谩 erupci贸n en cualquier momento a partir del 2023. 

Volc谩n en Per煤 querr谩 hacer erupci贸n en 2022 (probablemente Arequipa). 

Volc谩n en Chile har谩 erupci贸n entre 2022 y 2023.

s谩bado, 21 de mayo de 2022

Canciones seg煤n tu signo zodiacal parte 1

Canciones seg煤n tu signo zodiacal parte 1:

Aries: Imma be - Black Eyed Peas

Tauro: Vivimi - Laura Pausini

G茅minis: Born To Die-Lana del Rey

C谩ncer: Love You Like A Love Song - Selena G贸mez

Leo: Blow Your Mind - Dua Lipa

Virgo: Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

Libra: Grenade - Bruno Mars

Escorpio: Hot N Cold - Katy Perry

Sagitario: Toxic - Britney Spears 

Capricornio: Vuelve - Ricky Martin

Acuario: November Rain - Guns N' Roses

Piscis: Cirice - Ghost

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2022

Weekly horoscope from May 22 to 28, 2022

♈ Aries: March 21–April 19
You are about to collapse from so much stress because you don't achieve your goals. There's a lot to learn in that relationship, but you're happy. Be patient. Soon you will start a project that will give you good economic benefits. Don't despair about money.
Phrase: Advance, follow your path that will go well for you in what you want. 

♉ Taurus: April 20–May 20
You're making incredible progress and this is being talked about, don't listen to the haters. You keep it up. Be careful with pregnancies this week, take care of yourself. If you want one, congratulations!. If you are alone, be patient that a person suitable for you will soon arrive.
Phrase: New beginnings, leave the bad things behind.

♊ Gemini: May 21–June 21
Be careful not to get in trouble. Unfortunately this week there will be bad news in the workplace, in health or love. Beware of delinquency. Stay away from people who betray or speak ill of you, they don't deserve a second of your time. Someone from the past returns and you won't know how to act.
Phrase: Firmness, don't let yourself collapse because of some problem you have in life.

♋ Cancer: June 22–July 22
Great things await you, but first you must conclude pending things. Don't give up something early. Beware of infidelities. This week you will be protected but be careful with fights or misunderstandings at work, with your couple or at home.
Phrase: Stop thinking about the past and follow your instinct to grow even more.

♌ Leo: July 23–August 22
You are still worried and insecure. You will be somewhat moody and depressed this week. A stroke of luck comes in games of chance or work opportunities that you should not let go. But this doesn't mean that you're going to go to bed to rest, take advantage of the good opportunities.
Phrase: Persevere and you will succeed, don't stop.

♍ Virgo: August 23–September 22
Be careful with getting into debt and if you already are, then start saving before your situation gets worse. Don't despair and keep working hard to get the comfortable life you've always wanted. Travel opportunities. But as soon as you become so demanding and sleep at your hours. Phrase: Success awaits you and you have to do your part to achieve it.

♎ Libra: September 23–October 23
You have become incredulous of love, be careful about hurting people. Stop being afraid of love. When you put aside your pride and your desire to fight, you will begin to notice a positive change in your life and you will attract good people. This week you may receive some bad news about someone you love.
Phrase: Think of yourself but without losing empathy for others.

♏ Scorpio: October 24–November 21
Beware of vices or couple problems. Take care of your home and that coexistence. Infidelities or lies in sight. There will be a fight that will make you very angry because you will ask a person for explanations and they will act sharp. On the other hand, you feel a little bad because you haven't completed some project from the past.
Phrase: Make drastic changes in your life, you have been wasting time.

♐ Sagittarius: November 22–December 21
Your employment or income situation is not so good and it is also your fault because you don't make an effort and waste time on other things. Be careful with legal problems or with the bank. You are worried and overwhelmed by your financial situation but think about generating new income to free your worries.
Phrase: Think of a good way out of your problems and stop acting with disinterest.

♑ Capricorn: December 22–January 19
Love comes into your life but you will be on the defensive because according to you love doesn't interest you. It is that the truth is that you don't forget the past and you refuse to meet new people. Good job opportunities also arrive but don't get overwhelmed and try to sleep at your hours. Order yourself.
Phrase: Constancy, you will reach very high with the effort you put into your daily activities.

♒ Aquarius: January 20–February 18
You are a determined person who knows what you want and you deserve someone who is like that as well. Soon you will have it in your life. I envision excellent financial growth, keep it up. This is not the time to travel abroad, something could go wrong. Think about what you spend your money on.
Phrase: Decision, continue with that incredible organization in your life.

♓ Pisces: February 19–March 20
Someone in your family or you is about to get sick, check with a doctor. Someone has done witchcraft to you or constantly throws negative thoughts at you and this causes you to block yourself in various aspects of your life. You think positive and don't get carried away by the bad vibes of those people.
Phrase: Something important is approaching your life, pay attention to it.

Hor贸scopo semanal del 22 al 28 de mayo de 2022

♈ Aries: 21 de marzo-19 de abril

Est谩s a punto de colapsar de tanto estr茅s porque no logras tus metas. Hay mucho que aprender en esa relaci贸n, pero eres feliz. Ten paciencia. Pronto pondr谩s en marcha alg煤n proyecto que te dar谩 buenos beneficios econ贸micos. No te desesperes por el dinero. 

Frase: Avanza, sigue tu camino que te ir谩 bien en lo que deseas. 

♉Tauro: 20 de abril-20 de mayo

Est谩s progresando incre铆blemente y esto est谩 siendo objetos de habladur铆as, no le hagas caso a envidiosos. T煤 sigue as铆. Ten cuidado con embarazos esta semana, cu铆date. Si deseas uno, ¡enhorabuena!. Si est谩s solo, ten paciencia que pronto llegar谩 una persona indicada para ti. 

Frase: Nuevos comienzos, deja atr谩s las cosas malas. 

♊G茅minis: 21 de mayo-21 de junio

Ten cuidado de meterte en problemas. Lamentablemente esta semana llegar谩 una mala noticia en el 谩mbito laboral, en la salud o el amor. Cu铆date de los robos. Al茅jate de las personas que traicionan o que hablan mal de ti, no merecen ni un segundo de tu tiempo. Regresa alguien del pasado y no sabr谩s c贸mo actuar. 

Frase: Firmeza, no te dejes derrumbar por alg煤n problema que tengas en la vida. 

♋ C谩ncer: 22 de junio-22 de julio

Te esperan cosas grandes, pero primero debes concluir cosas pendientes. No abandones algo antes de tiempo. Cuidado con infidelidades. Esta semana estar谩s protegido pero ten cuidado con peleas o malentendidos en el trabajo, con tu pareja o en casa.

Frase: Deja de pensar en el pasado y sigue tu instinto para crecer a煤n m谩s. 

♌ Leo: 23 de julio-22 de agosto

Sigues angustiado y con inseguridades. Estar谩s algo malhumorado y depresivo esta semana. Viene un golpe de suerte en juegos de azar u oportunidades de trabajo que no debes dejarlas ir. Pero esto no quiere decir que vas a echarte a la cama a descansar, aprovecha las buenas oportunidades. 

Frase: Persevera y triunfar谩s, no te detengas. 

♍ Virgo: 23 de agosto-22 de septiembre 

Ten cuidado con endeudarte y si ya lo est谩s, pues empieza a ahorrar antes de que tu situaci贸n empeore. No desesperes y sigue trabajando duro para obtener la vida c贸moda que siempre has deseado. Oportunidades de viaje. Pero tan poco te vuelvas tan exigente y duerme a tus horas. Frase: El 茅xito te espera y tienes que poner de tu parte para lograrlo. 

♎ Libra: 23 de septiembre-23 de octubre

Te has vuelto incr茅dulo del amor, ten cuidado con hacer da帽o a las personas. Deja de tenerle miedo al amor. Cuando dejes de lado tu orgullo y tus ganas de pelear, empezar谩s a notar un cambio positivo en tu vida y atraer谩s a  buenas personas. En esta semana posiblemente recibas alguna mala noticia sobre alguna persona que t煤 estimas. 

Frase: Piensa en ti pero sin perder la empat铆a para con los dem谩s. 

♏ Escorpio: 24 de octubre-21 de noviembre

Cuidado con los vicios o con problemas de pareja. Cuida tu hogar y esa convivencia. Infidelidades o mentiras a la vista. Habr谩 alguna pelea que te har谩 enfadar mucho porque le pedir谩s explicaciones a una persona y 茅sta actuar谩 cortante. Por otra parte, te sientes algo mal porque no has culminado alg煤n proyecto del pasado. 

Frase: Haz cambios dr谩sticos en tu vida, haz estado desperdiciando el tiempo. 

♐ Sagitario: 22 de noviembre-21 de diciembre 

Tu situaci贸n laboral o de ingresos econ贸micos no est谩 tan buena y tambi茅n es tu culpa porque no te esfuerzas y pierdes tiempo en otras cosas. Ten cuidado con problemas legales o con el banco. Te preocupa y te agobia tu situaci贸n financiera pero piensa en generar nuevos ingresos para liberar tus preocupaciones. 

Frase: Piensa en una buena salida a tus problemas y deja de actuar con desinter茅s. 

♑ Capricornio: 22 de diciembre-19 de enero

Llega el amor a tu vida pero tu estar谩s a la defensiva porque seg煤n tu el amor no te interesa. Es que la verdad no olvidas el pasado y te reh煤zas a conocer nuevas personas. Tambi茅n llegan buenas oportunidades de trabajo pero no te agobies y trata de dormir a tus horas. Ord茅nate. 

Frase: Constancia, llegar谩s muy alto con el empe帽o que pones a tus actividades diarias. 

♒ Acuario: 20 de enero-18 de febrero

Eres una persona decidida y que sabe lo que quiere y te mereces a alguien que sea as铆 igualmente. Pronto lo tendr谩s en tu vida.  Visualizo un excelente crecimiento financiero, contin煤a as铆. No es momento de viajes al extranjero, algo podr铆a salir mal. Piensa en qu茅 cosas inviertes tu dinero. 

Frase: Decisi贸n, contin煤a con esa incre铆ble organizaci贸n en tu vida. 

♓ Piscis: 19 de febrero-20 de marzo

Alguien de tu familia o t煤 est谩 a punto de enfermarse, chequea siempre con un m茅dico. Alguien te ha hecho brujer铆a o te lanza constantemente pensamientos negativos y esto hace que te bloquees en varios aspectos de tu vida. T煤 piensa en positivo y no te dejes llevar por la mala vibra de esas personas. 

Frase: Se aproxima algo importante a tu vida, pr茅stale atenci贸n. 

Sismos en el mundo del 22 de mayo al 5 de junio de 2022

Sur de Per煤: Temblores mayores a 4 grados y uno que superar谩 los 5 grados. 

Norte de Per煤: Temblor mayor a 4,5. 

Norte de Chile: Temblor mayor a 5 grados. 

Nicaragua: Temblor mayor a 5 grados. 

Venezuela: Temblor mayor a 4,8 grados. 

Asia: Un temblor de casi 6 grados y varios temblores de 5 grados.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2022

A giant sinkhole in China: Correct prediction


Un gigante hueco en China: Predicci贸n correcta


New disease: Correct prediction


Nueva enfermedad: Predicci贸n correcta


Five hardest things to predict

Number one is the hardest thing to predict:

1Lottery numbers: Yes, is possible to predict if the person who plays is going to have luck in the game up to months in advance, but the numbers that will come out in the lottery can't be predicted.

2The exact number of deaths, injuries or survivors that there will be for a tragedy:
It is something almost impossible, but it is possible to give an approximate. High concentration to predict and save lives.

3The score of a match: It is more likely to predict the team that will win or lose than the score. You must be very focused to be able to predict with score included.

4The exact date of an earthquake or natural phenomenon: It is possible. It can be predicted a week in advance, but it can vary.

5The exact date of a tragedy: An approximate date can be predicted up to years in advance.

5 cosas m谩s dif铆ciles de predecir

El n煤mero 1 es el m谩s dif铆cil de predecir:

1N煤meros de la loter铆a: S铆 se puede predecir si la persona que juega va a tener suerte en el juego hasta con meses de anticipaci贸n pero no se puede predecir los n煤meros que saldr谩n en la loter铆a. 

2El n煤mero exacto de fallecidos, heridos o sobrevivientes que habr谩 para una tragedia:

Es algo casi imposible, pero s铆 se puede dar un aproximado. Alta concentraci贸n para poder salvar vidas. 

3El score de un partido: Es m谩s probable predecir el equipo que va a ganar o perder que el score. Se debe estar muy concentrado para poder predecir con score incluido. 

4La fecha exacta de un terremoto o fen贸meno natural: Es posible. Se puede predecir con anticipaci贸n de una semana, pero puede variar.  

5La fecha exacta de una tragedia: Se puede predecir un aproximado de fecha hasta con a帽os de anticipaci贸n. 

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2022

Complete analysis of the cases: Elisa Lam and Debanhi Escobar


-Debanhi already knew where she was going and sensed something bad, she wanted money. But she never imagined that she would be used as a victim of white slavery. The plan was that she was going to live in slavery working for a man. She was still going to have a horrible life because she was already in trouble.

-She tried to defend herself to the last, it is more those who murdered her had bruises provided by Debanhi but for more than a month, bruises are gone. Too much violence that fateful day, a rich person who wanted Debanhi as a victim and at the same time make her one of his lovers. But she was still going to live tied to a bad life. With money but seeing illicit money around her. That man works prostituting and selling girls and women. As Debanhi refused to go with them at the last minute, she was killed.

- Died asphyxiated and for violence.

-4 people involved in the death, one was forced and did not collaborate so much with taking Debanhi life, an older man with money, the employee of this man and a woman.

Elisa Lam:

-She drowned and was under the influence of toxic substances. His killer is a man over 40 who is insane and knows the hotel or works there, has some money and is intelligent.

-That day there was a lot of violence, but there was a moment when Elisa was able to escape, which was the first time the man spoke to her. The man tried to make her fall in love and be nice to her. There was rape and drugs.

-She was killed by some hotel worker or a person who knows the hotel very well.

-It wasn't a paranormal phenomena.

-She was killed by a man who suddenly established communication with her at the hotel.

-She was forced to die or killed by a man who knew the hotel very well. There was rape and intoxicants. She was crying and suffering minutes before her death.

-There is a serial killer in the Cecil Hotel who, when he commits a crime, goes on a trip. He has already committed several murders and his favorite place to hide his victims is in the water. He is a man over 40 years old who, due to his intelligence for evil, makes it difficult to be discovered.

An谩lisis completo de los casos de Elisa Lam y Debanhi Escobar


-Debanhi ya sab铆a a d贸nde estaba yendo y present铆a algo malo, quer铆a dinero. Pero jam谩s imagin贸 que la utilizar铆an como v铆ctima de trata de blancas. El plan era que iba a vivir esclavizada trabajando para un hombre. Igualmente iba a tener una vida horrible porque ya se hab铆a metido en problemas. 

-Trat贸 de defenderse hasta el 煤ltimo, es m谩s quienes la asesinaron tuvieron hematomas proporcionados por Debanhi pero para pasado m谩s de un mes, ya no est谩n. Demasiada violencia ese fat铆dico d铆a, una persona mayor de dinero quien quer铆a a Debanhi como v铆ctima y a la vez hacerla una de sus amantes. Pero ella igualmente iba a vivir atada a una mala vida. Con dinero pero viendo dinero il铆cito alrededor de ella. Ese hombre trabaja prostituyendo o vendiendo ni帽as y mujeres. Debanhi como a 煤ltimo momento se neg贸 a ir con ellos, fue asesinada. 

-Muri贸 asfixiada y por violencia. 

-4 personas involucrados en la muerte, uno fue obligado y no colabor贸 tanto con quitarle la vida a Debanhi, un hombre mayor de dinero, el empleado de este se帽or y una mujer.

Elisa Lam:

-Falleci贸 ahogada y estaba bajo el efecto de sustancias t贸xicas. Su asesino es un hombre mayor de 40 a帽os que est谩 demente y conoce el hotel o trabaja ah铆, tiene algo de dinero y es inteligente. 

-Ese d铆a hubo mucha violencia, pero hubo un instante en que Elisa pudo escapar que fue la primera vez que le habl贸 el hombre. El hombre intent贸 enamorarla y ser amable con ella. Hubo violaci贸n y drogas. 

-Fue asesinada por alg煤n trabajador del hotel o una persona que conoce muy bien el hotel. 

-No fue un fen贸meno paranormal. 

-Fue asesinada por un hombre quien estableci贸 comunicaci贸n con ella de manera repentina en el hotel. 

-Fue obligada a morir o asesinada por un hombre que conoc铆a muy bien el hotel. Hubo violaci贸n y sustancias t贸xicas. Ella estuvo llorando y sufriendo minutos antes de su muerte. 

-Hay un asesino serial en el Hotel Cecil que cuando comete un crimen se va de viaje. Ya ha cometido varios asesinatos y su lugar favorito para esconder a sus v铆ctimas es en el agua. Es un hombre mayor de 40 a帽os que por su inteligencia para la maldad hace que sea dif铆cil de ser descubierto. 

s谩bado, 14 de mayo de 2022

Differences between Elisa Lam case and Debanhi Escobar case, part 1

Elisa Lam case:
-They found her body inside a water tank, she drowned.
-She died in a place well known for previous deaths, the Cecil Hotel.
-It isn't known if she was with anybody.
-It is presumed that it was a paranormal phenomenon but a murder isn't ruled out.
-She died so tragically at 21 years old.
-She was fleeing from something or someone, it isn't known what motivated her to flee.
-She was scared before her death.
-She suffered bipolar disorder.
-The Hotel Cecil is known to be the place where many murders and suicides have occurred.

Debanhi Escobar case:
-They found her body inside a well, she was killed before being thrown into the water well.
-She died in an unknown place, a hotel in a town.
-There's information about people that was with she until the last moment that she was alive.
-It was a murder.
-She died at 18 years old.
-There were people chasing her and she was accompanied before her death.
-She sensed something bad and was frightened before her death, since the instant that she left home.
- Appeared to have good mental health.
-It is investigated on a possible white slavery that had Debanhi as a victim.