martes, 31 de mayo de 2022

Earthquakes around the world from June 6 to June 19, 2022

Earthquakes for Peru:

Lima, Peru: Earthquake over 4,8 on the Richter scale. 

North of Peru: earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale (probably Ancash or Cajamarca, a place surrounded by hills). 

South of Peru: Earthquake over 5,3 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Jungle of Peru: Earthquake over 4,7 degrees on the Richter scale (probably Amazonas). 

Chile: Center of Chile and surroundings, earthquake over 5,0 degrees on the Richter scale (probably Coquimbo). 

Ecuador: Earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Mexico: 2 Earthquakes over 4,7 degrees on the Richter scale (One probably in Chiapas). 


Greece: Earthquake over 4,8 degrees on the Richter scale.


United States: Earthquake in South of the country over 4,8 degrees on the Richter scale (probably California). 

2 Earthquakes in Central America:

Costa Rica and Nicaragua: Earthquakes over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Argentina: Earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Paraguay: Earthquake over 4,2 degrees on the Richter scale. 

El Salvador: Earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 

Colombia:Earthquake over 4,5 degrees on the Richter scale. 


An earthquake over 6,0 degrees in the Richter scale. 


Algo más perturbador llega a inicios de 2027, debemos estar preparados. Países de Europa, Asia y Estados Unidos van a  enfrentarse en 2027, ...