martes, 17 de mayo de 2022

Five hardest things to predict

Number one is the hardest thing to predict:

1Lottery numbers: Yes, is possible to predict if the person who plays is going to have luck in the game up to months in advance, but the numbers that will come out in the lottery can't be predicted.

2The exact number of deaths, injuries or survivors that there will be for a tragedy:
It is something almost impossible, but it is possible to give an approximate. High concentration to predict and save lives.

3The score of a match: It is more likely to predict the team that will win or lose than the score. You must be very focused to be able to predict with score included.

4The exact date of an earthquake or natural phenomenon: It is possible. It can be predicted a week in advance, but it can vary.

5The exact date of a tragedy: An approximate date can be predicted up to years in advance.


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