domingo, 7 de enero de 2024


Five earthquakes in South America. Cracks in the ground in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador. Heavy rains, waves and flooding (Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru). A cyclone in Colombia and Venezuela. Droughts. Low temperatures in Chile, Peru and Bolivia. Wildfires (Venezuela, Colombia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru). Extreme heat up to 45 degrees Celsius in Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru and Chile.
Months: January, June, December.

Magnitude 6.3 to 7.1 earthquake in Colombia. Heavy rains, tidal waves and floods. Cracks in the ground. A cyclone. Extreme heat up to 45 degrees Celsius.
Months: January, February, September, November, December.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake in Ecuador. A cyclone. Heavy rain, tidal waves and floods. Pests. Wildfires.
Months: January, April, June.

Two earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 and 6.2 in Argentina, one is felt in Uruguay or Paraguay. Heavy rains, floods and waves. Extreme heat up to 45 degrees Celsius. Mourning for low temperatures in winter. Wildfires.
Months: January, September, November.

Magnitude 6.1 to 6.5 earthquake with epicenter in Argentina. Heavy rains and floods.
Months: January, August, November.

3 Strong earthquakes of magnitude 5 in Peru, one in the north, one in the center (Lima), one in the south. Earthquakes between magnitude 5.6 to 5.9 earthquake in Peru. Tidal waves, heavy rains and floods. Hail and cold in Southern Peru. Tsunami without earthquake. Droughts and wildfires. Extreme heat up to 45 degrees Celsius. People have to vacate the water volcano in Rimac, Lima. Volcano will erupt in Southern Peru.
Months: February, June, August, October.

Three earthquakes in Chile. Magnitude 7.7 earthquake in Northern or Central Chile. Two earthquakes of magnitude 6.4 and 6.2, danger from Atacama to Valdivia.
Heavy rains, floods, droughts. Volcanic eruption in Chile. Cracks in the ground. Cold and hail fall. Extreme heat up to 45 degrees Celsius.
Months: April, September, October and December.

A strong typhoon. A powerful cyclone, affected Myanmar, India and nearby countries. Tsunami. Heavy rains and floods (Russia, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Nepal, India, Pakistan). A Middle Eastern country will be hit hard by natural disasters. A Middle Eastern country in ruins due to various earthquakes. Extreme temperatures up to 60 degrees Celsius.
Months: January, February, August, November, December.

Three earthquakes of magnitude 7.2, 6.6 and 6.5 in Russia. Heavy rains and floods. The black sea comes out.
Months: January, July, October, November.

Magnitude 6.7 to 7.1 earthquake in China. Sichuan, my spiritual guide says. Strong earthquakes of magnitude 5. The sea comes out. Droughts. Heavy rains and floods. Hailstorm. Volcanic eruption. Extreme temperatures up to 55 degrees Celsius. A natural disaster caused.
Months: February, April, August, November.

Two earthquakes. Magnitude 6.9 earthquake and another magnitude 6.5 earthquake. A typhoon, mourning. Heavy rains, floods. Tsunami. An underwater volcano erupts.
Months: January, March, October, November.

Magnitude 6.6 earthquake in Philippines. Earthquakes of magnitude 5. Heavy rains and floods. Low temperatures up to -15 degrees Celsius and hail. The earth splits. A typhoon. The sea comes out.
Months: March, April, June, October. 

Three earthquakes. Earthquakes of magnitude 7.3, 6.7 and 6.1. Tsunami. Earthquake in an area where there are no buildings. A typhoon, cyclonic energy. Volcano about to erupt. A sinkhole. Japan is sinking.
Months: January, March, June, July.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake in Taiwan. A Typhoon, cyclonic energy. Sleeping volcano will awaken in Taiwan. Tidal waves.
Months: January, April, March, November.

Three earthquakes. Earthquakes of magnitude 6.8, 6.5 and 6.2 in Iran. More than 1000 microseisms. Heavy rains and floods. 
Months: January, July, August, November, December.

Three strong earthquakes of magnitude 5 in Morocco. Cyclone.
Months: March, February, August, October.

Cyclone that impacts Algeria and Morocco, will leave fatalities. Waves, heavy rains and floods. Cracks in Algeria.
Months: January, July, November.

Two earthquakes. Magnitude 8.0 to 8.2 earthquake in New Zealand with its epicenter at sea. It will be considered one of the most powerful earthquakes in world history. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.2 to 7.4. Wildfires. Nearby underwater volcano erupts.
Months: January, September, December.

Magnitude 8.0 to 8.2 earthquake in Fiji, with epicenter in the sea. Three earthquakes of magnitude 6. Heavy rains and floods. Cyclonic energy.
Months: June, September, November, December.

Three earthquakes. Magnitude 8.0 to 8.2 earthquake in Vanuatu with its epicenter at sea. 4 Earthquakes of magnitude 7 and 6 in Vanuatu. Nearby underwater volcano erupting. A typhoon. Heavy rains and floods. Vanuatu disappears in 200 years.
Months: January, March, June, July, September.

Magnitude 7.0 to 7.4 earthquake in Tonga. Heavy rains and floods. A volcano erupts.
Months: April, July, October.

Three earthquakes. Magnitude 7.2 earthquake and others earthquakesof magnitude 6.6 and 6.2. A typhoon, cyclonic energy.
Months: January, July, October, November.


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