sábado, 23 de diciembre de 2023


The pneumonia virus in China will seek to spread to other countries. They will start in China with the restrictions. Changes that are not favorable for the economy, the digital currency is coming. In 2024, we will be immersed in a major financial crisis. There will be momentary agreements to pause the Gaza conflict but then are broken. A volcano erupts in December or January. A footballer loses his life. The police will find someone well-known in the industry dead. The Nipah will revive, it is silent but it will be present again. Different epidemics are coming such as a plague of mice, skin conditions, the latter will become dangerous. More variants of Covid are emerging and everything that has to do with respiratory tract disease as well as diseases caused by radioactive water. Earthquakes in Chile and Mexico in December. There will be restrictions on flights to China. Biden and Lopez Obrador will be highly questioned, hidden things come to light. A well-known woman from Mexico dies soon. Protests in Mexico and the United States against the wave of unstoppable violence. There will be 3 shootings, one of them caused by someone from the Hamas terrorist group that will leave 38 injured. Violence in amusement parks, shopping centers, theaters and very public places. Very strange clouds in North America due to pollution. The Catholic Church and its members will be greatly questioned. Pope Francis will be separated from the Vatican. Protests that will leave people dead in Central America. Emergence of new criminal groups in Central America. Things will come to light about Xiomara Castro and another president of Central America. Insect and skin diseases due to excessive heat in South America, especially children. Clashes between police and terrorists in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. Noboa and Milei will work under someone else's orders. Serious protests in Argentina. Oil spill in South America into the sea and into a river in Peru. There will be an increase in food prices but not a great drought for South America. Unfair laws, criminals free. I see a shooting in Europe. Violent protests or situations of violence like what happened in Dublin. They will want to put things against a President to harm her. Sofia of Greece would be in poor health. Royal women in Europe falling ill in 2024. Europe increasingly involved in what is happening in the Middle East. In 2025, the UK monarchy will suffer from persecution, there will be an outburst carried out by citizens. Spain and France with labor exploitation and unfair labor laws and remuneration. Iran could be silenced by nature itself with intense earthquakes. The peace pacts between China and the United States are false. Someone is sent to assassinate in Asia.


Algo más perturbador llega a inicios de 2027, debemos estar preparados. Países de Europa, Asia y Estados Unidos van a  enfrentarse en 2027, ...