martes, 17 de octubre de 2023


The Israel-Palestine conflict will be much bloodier than the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and it will be difficult to stop the violence unleashed by Hamas. People in power involved in what has gotten out of control. A young man who will become known during this conflict will seem good person but will not be. The conflict unleashed will leave more than 10,000 dead over the next 4 months. The antichrist will come out of that area, he lives in that area of war. Around March 8, 2024 something will happen in Japan, I see man-made fire. Japan will be involved in the third war, of the three wars I predicted in 2022. I don't see a nuclear bomb. What I see for 2024 are tanks, cannons and a lot of military movement between Asia and Europe. The United States will not be in danger but there will still be an alert. I had a premonitory dream where it was made official a Third World War because they mentioned attack after attack, it will be a silent world war. Hamas wants to go to Europe, I predicted it from 2022 here on Tik Tok in my oldest predictions.


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