2004 Will be the year of fire, represented by the dragon of destruction. China rises and its power will be felt throughout the world. China will not stop appearing in the news. Citizens rebel against the unjust authority of their countries. I visualize around 3 Coups d'état. The most important months of 2024 that will go down in history will be September and October. The disease will begin as an animal epidemic. I visualize confinement and death. The Middle East will have more presence in Europe and as well as citizens of Africa migrating to the old continent. Migration will become a problem for Europe's rulers. The most voracious fires and volcano explosions will occur in 2024. A death from disease that will attack the monarchy. BRICS and NATO disputing the conquest of countries in America and Europe to obtain more power. Pope Francis in the hospital, critical situation. A young person under 60 years old will be the one who will carry to the ruin the North American country if citizens allowed be deceived.
CLARIVIDENTE | AS DE LOS SISMOS 🔮CLAIRVOYANT | ACE OF EARTHQUAKES Predicciones mundiales, horóscopo, predicciones de sismos y desastres naturales , fenómenos paranormales e historias. Contenido semanal/ Worldwide predictions, horoscope, earthquake and natural disaster predictions, paranormal phenomena and stories. Weekly content.
jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2023
GENERAL PREDICTION: 1. Five earthquakes. Earthquakes of magnitude 7.5, 7.0, 6.8 and 6.0 in Central and South America. Floods in South Ameri...

I always felt attraction to the world of darkness, I have always loved horror movies, horror stories, horoscopes, and all that kind of thing...
Toque de queda en diversos países. Moderna tecnología para la realización de at3ntados en Europa y Estados Unidos. El Estado Islámico impond...
PREDICCIONES AMÉRICA DEL NORTE: El próximo Gobierno de Estados Unidos está planeando liberar a Venezuela y dialogar con Vladímir Putin. Dona...