domingo, 23 de abril de 2023


Disrepute and problems for a president in South America. New pacts, new alliances that will generate conflicts. United States and new associates. People will starve as the economy will worsen. New pacts for future wars. The Taiwan war is approaching which is being negotiated by the United States. Epidemics in North America and also because of contaminated water. In July 2023 there will be a fall in the world economy. In 2024 comes the worst for the economy. Hidden things regarding the dollar. A death of a Hollywood actor. Mourning for migrants at the border between Mexico and United States. Some artist in Mexico will be killed. Disputes within the Mexican government. The United States and China will compete for dominate Central America. The economy in Central America is in danger because of this. An important politician is already very ill health in Cuba. New migrants in Central America. An economic improvement in Guatemala, possible salary increase. The Honduran government falling down. Diseases in Honduras. The current president of Nicaragua and government one step away from collapsing. Bad economy in Costa Rica and renounces in the government. Later, a woman will rule Panama. Protests for a big change in Cuba. Someone has good ideas, he will come up during the protests in Cuba. The economy in the Dominican Republic could present change due to the global crisis situation. Broken pacts between the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Violent accidents and violence in South America. More cases of Dengue and Zika in South America. South America in the sights of powerful countries. Devilish energy of crime and violence in South America. Murders in Colombia by drug traffickers. Later, Guillermo Lasso will be dismissed. There will be work and the real will be stable in Brazil, but Lula Da Silva has dark intentions. The pacts between Brazil and the BRICS are strengthened. Bonuses and money that will be given to the people in Brazil. Peru's currency will be stable, the problem will be Peru's political instability. Soon, a man will be the new president of Peru. A former Peruvian president will pass away soon. He is a former president well known worldwide. Protests in Chile. The people will take to the streets of Chile. Pressure within the government, disputes within the government, accusations. Europe will be affected economically during month 7. Food prices will triple due to droughts in Europe. There is an upcoming change of Pope in the Vatican. A plane will lose control in Asia and crash. Massacres in the Middle East due to protests. Asian countries will set their sights on NATO countries. The Australian dream and the New Zealand dream for migrants will die. Instability of the economy in Oceania. Australia will reconsider its support for the United States.


Se firmará un contrato para iniciar la construcción del primer puerto espacial ahora. Los mares de América del Sur rodeados por barcos chino...