The month 7 of 2023 will be very important for changes in the economy of the United States. Anthrax, Ebola and diseases that will mutate. Diseases that will affect the skin. Month 3 and 5 of the year 2024, the dollar collapses. Many people will lose their savings. Epidemics and diseases. In the year 2024, I see explosion and fire in the United States. My spirit guide tells me "the big apple." I see skyscrapers and close to the sea. There are hidden things around Joe Biden. Protests against his government are coming. Biden will remain until November 2024. I confirm the great legend that is rumored about Biden. He has been imposed by the elite. Betrayals are coming for Donald Trump if he would to postulate for president. Neither Biden nor Trump. The 2030 agenda will continue forward. A person between 50 - 65 years old will be the new president of the United States.
CLARIVIDENTE | AS DE LOS SISMOS 🔮CLAIRVOYANT | ACE OF EARTHQUAKES Predicciones mundiales, horóscopo, predicciones de sismos y desastres naturales , fenómenos paranormales e historias. Contenido semanal/ Worldwide predictions, horoscope, earthquake and natural disaster predictions, paranormal phenomena and stories. Weekly content.
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