sábado, 11 de marzo de 2023


The powerful are preparing something in secret. I see a new explosion in the United States, in reality are attacks. It keeps quiet. CNN and other media do not report the facts, like what happened with the plane crash where 5 scientists were going to the place of environmental disaster in Ohio. Other not so well-known media did report the facts transparently. Something is being prepared in secret, while we all sleep they are already planning something. I visualize plane crash or helicopter crash. I see something flying in the air that falls. The dollar is destabilized and will begin its silent fall. Something will take America by surprise and affect the world. Someone very important related to politics in Central America will die. An act of revenge against Nayib Bukele, his life is in danger. I visualize resigns of politicians in Costa Rica. A very important politician or former politician will die in Cuba. He is someone who has belonged to the Cuban government. There will be protests in Peru, Argentina, Colombia and Chile during March and until April. A betrayal is coming for the president of Chile, Boric. Exchange in migration: South Americans go to other countries while Europeans and Asians will migrate to America. Nicolas Maduro with the months numbered. A dark time is coming for Nicolas Maduro and a change for Venezuela. Many lies in the Petro government. Gustavo Petro will not finish governing Colombia. Very soon there will be audios, chats and things that President Lasso has done during his government. I see tidal waves and visualize capsized boats in South America.The water and electricity cuts will continue in Argentina, President Fernandez will not solve anything. Mourning is coming in Peru, a former president will pass away
soon. Dina Boluarte will continue to rule until the 10th month of this year. But, strong problems are coming for her from April. The protests in Chile will not stop until they manage to oust President Boric. Several European countries will withdraw from NATO in opposition to war and in favor of peace. Something is going to restrict Europe. Conflicts and protests are coming to the Vatican. A piece of land will be discovered that actually it is a lost city that will emerge from the sea in southern Europe. Entire families will leave their homes in Taiwan, Asia. A conflict breaks out. I visualize missiles flying over the skies in Asia. Oceania has infiltrated spies from countries powers in its territory. Someone important in Oceania will be killed. Strong energy for Oceania.


Algo más perturbador llega a inicios de 2027, debemos estar preparados. Países de Europa, Asia y Estados Unidos van a  enfrentarse en 2027, ...