sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2022

Political and economic changes in Europe and Asia

I see a president or politician in Europe that will leave his post soon. This person has robbed his nation. I visualize people in Europe with anguish

and anxiety about economic issues because the salary is not enough to cover the bills. The European countries that I see submerged in economic and political problems are: Spain, France, Italy, Ukraine, Poland, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Political conflicts are approaching in Asia. People running away. A war begins in 2023. My spirit guide tells me that Taiwan is in danger or some country in the Middle East breaks out in major conflicts.

A president or former president in Oceania will die soon.


Se firmará un contrato para iniciar la construcción del primer puerto espacial ahora. Los mares de América del Sur rodeados por barcos chino...