sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2022

Political and economic changes in Europe and Asia

I see a president or politician in Europe that will leave his post soon. This person has robbed his nation. I visualize people in Europe with anguish

and anxiety about economic issues because the salary is not enough to cover the bills. The European countries that I see submerged in economic and political problems are: Spain, France, Italy, Ukraine, Poland, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Political conflicts are approaching in Asia. People running away. A war begins in 2023. My spirit guide tells me that Taiwan is in danger or some country in the Middle East breaks out in major conflicts.

A president or former president in Oceania will die soon.


Algo más perturbador llega a inicios de 2027, debemos estar preparados. Países de Europa, Asia y Estados Unidos van a  enfrentarse en 2027, ...