North America:
Three earthquakes.
Category 6 hurricane, wildfires, volcanoes eruptions and floods.
Magnitude 5.9 to 6.4 earthquake or frostquake near to Ontario
Wildfires, floods.
Months: February to October.
United States:
Four magnitude 5 earthquakes.
Category 6 hurricane (affected areas: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Virginia).
Wildfires in California, floods, tidal waves in California and a volcano eruption (probably Yellowstone).
Months: January, April to December.
Two earthquakes:
Sonora or Baja California➡️
Magnitude 6.8 earthquake
Southern Mexico (Puebla, Oaxaca, Guerrero)
➡️ Magnitude 7.5 earthquake
Wildfires, Popocatepetl volcano eruption in March, rains, the ground is breaking in Mexico.
Months: January, August to November.
Central America:
Five earthquakes.
Mourning for floods and earthquakes at night.
Active volcanoes in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua
Months: February and July.
Magnitude 5 earthquake.
Floods. A volcano will expel ashes.
Months: February, June to December.
3. El Salvador:
➡️ Magnitude 6.0 earthquake.
Floods, a volcano will wake up.
Month: October.
4. Honduras:
➡️ Magnitude 6.1 to 6.8 earthquake.
Floods, overflow of rivers, crop losses, wildfires.
Months: Six first months and October.
Volcano eruption.
5. Costa Rica:
➡️ Magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Central-Northern Costa Rica
Volcano eruption, floods, storms and wildfires.
Months: Six first months
Magnitude 5 earthquake
Floods, cyclone or hurricane, wildfires.
Months: January to November.
South America:
Three earthquakes
Two earthquakes in Chile, one between Colombia and Venezuela.
Volcanoes will wake up, floods, droughts, tidal waves.
Months: During all the year.
6. Venezuela:
➡️ Magnitude 5.6 to 6.2 earthquake.
Months: Six first months, February and September.
7. Colombia:
➡️ Magnitude 5.6 to 6.3 earthquake.
Droughts, tidal waves, tropical storm, hurricane force winds, floods, a volcano will expel ashes
Months: February to September.
Magnitude 6 earthquake.
Wildfires, a volcano will expel lava in Southern Peru, floods, tidal waves.
Months: January to September.
8. Chile:
➡️ Three earthquakes
Magnitude 6.1 earthquake.
Two earthquakes at night:
Northern Chile ➡️ Magnitude 6.3 earthquake
Southern Chile (Villarrica, Temuco, Concepcion, Valdivia, Easter Islands)
➡️ Magnitude 7.9 earthquake
Villarrica volcano eruption, tsunami alert, tidal waves, pests.
Months: March, July and September.
Five earthquakes.
Magnitude 7 earthquake in Italy.
Volcanoes eruption in Italy (Etna and Stromboli), Norway, Iceland. Floods in Italy, Greece and Turkey, droughts, wildfires.
Months: During all the year.
9. Italy:
➡️ Magnitude 6.7 to 7.2 earthquake in Sicily.
Mourning in Italy.
Volcanoes eruption: Stromboli and Etna.
Floods in Roma, Napoles, Palermo, Sicily. Tsunami alert, droughts.
Months: January, February, August and December.
10. Greece:
➡️ Magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Santorini.
Mourning in Greece.
Submarine volcano eruption, floods, droughts.
Months: January, February, December.
11. Norway:
➡️ Terremoto de magnitud 5.9 a 6.3
Tornado, vientos fuertes, un volcán expulsará cenizas, sequías.
Meses: Marzo, junio y octubre.
12. Islandia:
➡️ Terremoto de magnitud 5.9 a 6.5
Erupción volcánica, inundaciones y sequías.
Meses: Enero, marzo, abril, octubre y noviembre.
Nine earthquakes.
Magnitude 7 earthquake in Japan and a volcano eruption. Earthquakes in Russia, Myanmar and Thailand.
Floods, active volcanoes.
Months: March, July, August, October and November.
13. Russia:
➡️ Magnitude 7.2 earthquake
Submarine volcano will erupt, probably Ebeko volcano.
Months: January, March, April and November.
14. Japan:
➡️ Magnitude 6.9 to 7.3 earthquake.
Mourning in Japan.
Volcano eruption.
Months: During all the year. January and March.
15. Taiwan:
➡️ Magnitude 5.9 to 6.6 earthquake
Cyclone or Typhoon, floods.
Months: February and April
16. Philippines:
➡️ Magnitude 6.4 to 7.0 earthquake.
Floods and droughts.
Months: January, March, June and December.
17. Thailand:
➡️ Magnitude 6.7 to 7.1 earthquake.
Mourning in Thailand.
Volcano eruption. A new volcano is discovered here.
Months: January to September.
18. Myanmar:
➡️ Magnitude 6.6 to 7.1 earthquake.
Floods and a volcano eruption.
Months: January, March, August, November.
19. Nepal:
➡️ Magnitude 6.3 to 6.7 earthquake.
Months: January, April, August, September, October and November.
20. India:
➡️ Magnitude 6.5 to 6.9 earthquake.
Wildfires, scorching heat, droughts, floods.
Months: June and July.
21. Afghanistan:
➡️ Magnitude 6.1 to 6.3 earthquake.
Months: February and July.
Four earthquakes.
Magnitude 6 earthquakes that will feel like magnitude 7.
Floods and tidal waves. Cyclones or typhoons. Emergency in Oceania. Submarine volcano eruption.
Months: Six first months. June and December.
22. Australia:
➡️ Magnitude 6.2 to 6.4 earthquake.
Floods, tidal waves and Wildfires, volcano eruption.
Months: Six first months. January, September and October.
23. Solomon Islands:
➡️ Magnitude 6.4 earthquake
Tidal waves. Danger by submarine volcano eruption.
Months: January, February and October.
24. Fiji:
➡️ Magnitude 6.3 to 7.2 earthquake.
Fiji disappears in the next few years.
Months: Six first months. February.
25. Tonga:
➡️ Magnitude 6.9 earthquake
Months: Six first months and November.