CLARIVIDENTE | AS DE LOS SISMOS 🔮CLAIRVOYANT | ACE OF EARTHQUAKES Predicciones mundiales, horóscopo, predicciones de sismos y desastres naturales , fenómenos paranormales e historias. Contenido semanal/ Worldwide predictions, horoscope, earthquake and natural disaster predictions, paranormal phenomena and stories. Weekly content.
lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2022
The riddle of the sheep that turn in a circle
El enigma de las ovejas que giran en cÃrculo
Vamos a estar sin electricidad. La situación
económica va a empeorar. El clima se tornará cada vez más frÃo en temporada de invierno. Presiento la tristeza de la gente por un acontecimiento que va a suceder en los próximos meses durante el año 2023.Con la carta del as de espadas presiento que vienen más guerras entre paÃses. Se aproxima una Tercera Guerra Mundial, no en 2023 ni para 2024. Visualizo
sangre, sufrimiento, guerras. Muerte de personas por enfermedades. Va a continuar apareciendo enfermedades del pasado y
enfermedades nuevas. Viene una enfermedad mucho peor que el Covid.
Estamos viviendo una antesala de lo que será la Tercera Guerra Mundial. Podemos evitar el trágico destino de la humanidad.
Estamos a tiempo de darnos cuenta antes de que nos traicionen, mucha gente está cegada pensando en cosas banales. Muchas leyes en el mundo serán cambiadas, el mundo ya no va a volver a ser como era. Visualizo madres con sus niños en las calles en América, en Europa, en Estados Unidos incrementará la pobreza.
Los cultivos se echarán a perder porque visualizo tierras infértiles en varias zonas del planeta. La economÃa caerá, entraremos a recesión económica. Viene una transformación, un cambio drástico para el planeta. Nubes negras producto de
guerras, guerras sin solución alguna. Una persona joven que va a querer aprovechar el
momento convirtiéndose como en un lÃder del mundo. Gente huyendo de su lugar de residencia pero hacia donde va, no encontrará nada para salir adelante. Época de confusión. Se pensará en opciones y el
que no acierte estará perdido y perderá todo económicamente hasta incluso la vida.
Veo más guerras, gente saliendo a protestar a la calles por falta de alimentos y de agua. La gente peleará por los alimentos en los supermercados. Veo a dos hombres: el primero, un rey o una autoridad de edad avanzada; el segundo, un hombre
que lo asesora. Estas dos personas son las
principales causantes de que haya una Tercera Guerra Mundial o de que se desaten guerras en Europa y Asia. Conflictos fuertes con estallidos, cañones e incluso un reactor nuclear que explotará. Entre esas dos personas está habiendo una conversación.
Veo una Tercera Guerra Mundial después
del año 2025.Cambios en el orden mundial. Los animales van a continuar girando en cÃrculo. En ese momento, tuve una visión de una familia dentro de un edificio que ve como un edificio explota en llamas muy cerca a ellos. Las ovejas, hormigas, gusanos, peces y demás animales que girarán en cÃrculo nos quieren comunicar y advertir que no solo aumentarán los
terremotos o desastres naturales sino también que se avecina más conflictos bélicos, los cultivos van a escasear, no va a haber comida en algunas zonas del
planeta, viene una nueva enfermedad que va a acabar con familias enteras, veo personas mudándose de lugar para no ser contagiadas, personas viviendo sin luz ni agua ni Internet.
Correct prediction: Volcano in the United States erupts
Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii, United States erupted on 28 November 2022.
Predicción correcta: Volcán en Estados Unidos entra en erupción
viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2022
December 2022 horoscope
♈Aries: 21 March - 19 April
Economic stability: the inflow of money will increase and any project you carry out will be favorable. Beware of colds or skin problems, allergies and avoid a medical break, just as you should avoid work stress. Protect yourself from envious people and scammers. Beware of robberies. Avoid arguing with your couple or special person, your mood swings could irritate the other person. Don't spread your stress to your couple.
Advice: You must free yourself from any stress, let everything flow naturally.
♉Taurus: 20 April - 20 May
Alert with falls, take care of any injury you already have. You must adjust your budget and save money. Be careful with money. A sentimental beginning is coming, a new person arrives to make you an offer. You are undecided because you still cling to the past. Be careful when making signatures or papers, because it will not be a good time for you.
Advice: You must realize what is really good for your life.
♊Gemini: 21 May - 21 June
Singles will remain single because they have high expectations. Those who are in a couple, avoid arguments. Control your character and don't argue with family, friends or even with your couple over nonsense things. Don't let stress beat you. People who are out of work will have the opportunity to find one and entrepreneurs will also grow. Be careful with the drinks you drink, stop drinking alcoholic beverages in excess because you could cause an accident or you can lose money.
Advice: You can get conflicts if you keep doing everything your way, learn to listen.
♋Cancer: 22 June - 22 July
You don't know what decision to make on a sentimental or economic level. This month the economic growth you have been waiting for will arrive, a job opportunity, a scholarship. Even playing lottery, gambling or casino will make you earn extra money. Take care of envy and negative energies because there are people who don't want to see you stand out more than them. If your current relationship is already going through a crisis, it will end the relationship. If you are single, there is an opportunity to get out of being single. An ex-couple will return to your life. You will enjoy good health.
Advice: You have everything in your hands to be happy, what you long for will soon arrive.
♌Leo: 23 July - 22 August
You are afraid that something bad will happen. Carry out any project in your life cautiously and without disclosing it until it is completed so that your energy is not invaded. Your couple is an impulsive and somewhat immature person, if you are waiting for a change, it will not happen in a short time. It's not love, it's an attachment or habit. He is not the right person for you. Economic situation: journey and job proposals arrive, removals. A job change for the better. You have to rest well and sleep your full hours.
Advice: Stop thinking over and over again about everything because it could lead you to a very big stress picture.
♍Virgo: 23 August - 22 September
You are secretly loving someone, you still don't show your feelings. There are secrets about you that you don't want to be discovered. If you already have a couple, I visualize a request for a hand and a wedding. The family grows. If you are single, someone will establish a relationship with you. The long-awaited job growth arrives. Stop messing with your head, you don't agree with yourself to achieve a goal. Take care of your bank movements or to whom you lend money because you could lose it. There is a person who prevents you from doing things that you want, it can be a mother, a sister or your couple. Don't let them manipulate you.
Advice: If you manage to trust yourself, you will go on the right path towards your happiness.
♎Libra: 23 September - 23 October
Those who have a couple, their relationship will go well. If you are single, there is someone who is about to confess his/her love for you. Persistence will be the key for you to achieve what you have proposed at the work level and in the end you will achieve it. The stress and exhaustion of a past will have been worth it. Any project or project that has to do with money will be favorable for you. A job promotion. Cut with something from the past. You will start 2023 on the right foot. Some will have news of pregnancy.
Advice: You have been putting things off, but you must be patient to achieve a goal.
♏Scorpio: 24 October - 21 November
Everything flows with good energy for you. You have to remove from your life things from the past that no longer contribute to you. If you feel like you're doing something wrong, get it out of your life. In some cases, they are holding on to a toxic person. If you have a couple, he/she is not being honest with you and is hiding things from you. You are blinded by love. Solve things by talking and without arguing. In some cases, they are doing witchcraft. You have struggled for money or a job and you will make a breakthrough. Don't despair and do your part to get ahead. Surround yourself with good people.
Advice: If you are good with yourself, you can be good in everything.
♐Sagittarius: 22 November - 21 December
A time of decisions is coming. They will control your life. Travel opportunities will present themselves. You will enjoy a stable economy this month. Those who are starting a relationship will go well because there is something in common that unites them. Similarly, those who already have a couple, the relationship will enjoy good communication and fullness. I visualize that some will have pregnancy news.
You will celebrate in a big way this month but do not abuse alcoholic beverages. Be careful not to get intoxicated by drinking something. A reality check arrives, you will be harassed by something. Some who were already wrong with the couple will end that relationship.
Advice: Enjoy your success, whether at work or sentimentally. It's a good time for you.
♑Capricorn: 22 December - 19 January
Harmony with the family. A person leaves your life or you have realized something and decide to end that relationship. Take care of your health, especially if you have a heart condition. Someone will betray you. If you have been betrayed in the past, you are remembering that. If you are having a hard time, take refuge in your family or someone you trust. You are depressed. You are empowered economically and you will continue to grow. You are suffering for love. You shouldn't drink while driving, I visualize traffic accidents. Don't threaten your life if you are going through a bad time.
Advice: Don't keep your feelings or your thinking for fear of being judged.
♒Aquarius: 20 January - 18 February
Bad news will come into your life. It will not be your season to carry out procedures or documents. Take care of your health from colds or stomach cramps. If you are new to a job, they will not want to pay you. Late payments, if someone owes you money they will turn a blind eye. Discussions at work over late payments. You will explode with anger when you see that they don't recognize your effort and work, it will only be a bad moment. You will have good luck in gambling, betting or lottery. If you are dating someone, that person does not want a commitment. If you have a couple, there will be discussions about money.
Advice: Learn from your past mistakes so you don't make them again in your present.
♓Pisces: 19 February - 20 March
You will grow financially at a giant step whether you work for a company or have a venture. Don't turn down any job opportunity. In love, you have turned your back on a person because you no longer believe them. You are afraid that your heart will be broken again. Watch out for falls, avoid a medical break. If you have a couple, there is not a good understanding and both blame each other for a missed opportunity, they feel that they have wasted time together.
Advice: Let things flow naturally, express your feelings.
Horóscopo de diciembre 2022
jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2022
December 2022 interactive horoscope
Horóscopo interactivo de diciembre 2022
domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2022
Correct predictions of earthquakes around the world from 07/11/2022 to 20/11/2022
3 earthquakes around the world:
1. A magnitude 7.3 earthquake was felt in Tonga, Oceania on 11 November 2022.
2. An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 was felt in Biobio, southern Chile. Occurred on 13 November 2022.
3. A magnitude 6.8 earthquake was felt in Bengkulu, Indonesia on 18 November 2022.
- Hurricane Nicole and the United States.
- Tornado in Germany, near to France in Europe.
-Popocatepetl volcano in activity and eruption in Guatemala volcano.
Predicciones correctas de sismos en el mundo del 07/11/2022 al 20/11/2022
3 terremotos en todo el mundo:
1. Un terremoto de magnitud 7.3 fue sentido en Tonga (OceanÃa) el 11 de noviembre de 2022.
2. Un terremoto de magnitud 6.4 fue sentido en BÃobio, sur de Chile. Ocurrió el 13 de noviembre de 2022.
3. Un terremoto de magnitud 6.8 fue sentido en Bengkulu, Indonesia el 18 de noviembre de 2022.
- Huracán Nicole en Estados Unidos.
- Tornado en Alemania, muy cerca de Francia en Europa.
-Volcán Popocatépetl en actividad y erupción en volcán de Guatemala.
An upcoming fire in the port of Callao
Un próximo incendio en el puerto del Callao en Perú
He visualizado al puerto del Callao (Perú) en llamas. Con la carta del nueve de oros visualizo pérdidas económicas. Visualizo gente fallecida en el próximo incendio. He visto personas con chalecos naranjas. He visto los contenedores del puerto del Callao. El Gobierno de Perú no le garantiza la seguridad en el trabajo a los trabajadores de este puerto. La carta del sol al revés, me indica un incendio. Veo fallecidos. Personas que viven cerca al lugar se levantarán de sus camas para salir a ayudar. El presidente de Perú será involucrado en esta negligencia y vendrán más cargos en su contra. Lo harán responsable de las muertes en el incendio. Este hecho significará la caÃda del presidente de Perú. Veo heridos, familias damnificadas. Personas cogiendo cubetas con agua para apagar el incendio. Cuantiosas pérdidas materiales. El incendio sucederá durante el último mes del año 2022 o inicios del año 2023.
martes, 15 de noviembre de 2022
Earthquakes around the world from 21/11/2022 to 04/12/2022
Sismos en el mundo del 21/11/2022 al 04/12/2022
sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022
A British Earthquake
Will King Charles III pass away soon?
His health is already poor at this time, only they keep him silent. He is already suffering from senile dementia or difficulty remembering things and urinary incontinence but the latter is due to another disease. Even himself already feels that he doesn't have much time to live. His health is going to get worse and he will probably die of cancer between 2024 and 2026 because after that year i visualize another authority and will turn the monarchy upside down. I visualize that his illness is going to progress and we will even notice some instability in the United Kingdom. It will leave the kingdom in a catastrophic state. After this event there will be broken agreements and changes, the end of a monarchy.
What will happen in the coming years in the United Kingdom ?
I see more people in attack position. The monarchy will be harassed in the streets or in ceremonies by the citizens themselves. There will be a betrayal for the citizens of the United Kingdom, their hopes will be dashed. Much corruption and indecision in the monarchy. King Charles III will die and disorder, chaos and economic instability will prevail.
Prince William will rightfully rule but his government will be in chaos. Not even the sons of King Charles III know what their father has done before. The Arabs make their entrance to the United Kingdom to stay after the fall of King Charles III who previously "sold out" his kingdom.
Terremoto Británico
miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2022
A false antichrist and a betrayal
Un falso anticristo y una traición
domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2022
Europe migrates into the unknown
Europeos migran hacia lo desconocido
Correct predictions of earthquakes around the world from 24/10/2022 to 06/11/2022
Predicciones correctas de sismos en el mundo del 24/10/2022 al 06/11/2022
viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2022
New skin disease
Robo de dinero y restricciones, recorte de pensiones. Cambios en el comercio internacional que generará pérdidas a Estados Unidos y paÃses e...

I always felt attraction to the world of darkness, I have always loved horror movies, horror stories, horoscopes, and all that kind of thing...
Toque de queda en diversos paÃses. Moderna tecnologÃa para la realización de at3ntados en Europa y Estados Unidos. El Estado Islámico impond...
PREDICCIONES AMÉRICA DEL NORTE: El próximo Gobierno de Estados Unidos está planeando liberar a Venezuela y dialogar con VladÃmir Putin. Dona...