domingo, 16 de octubre de 2022

Economic Recession

Will we have an economic crisis like the one that occurred in 1929 worldwide?

Advice to face the coming economic crisis: repeat the plate of food for 2 days. There will be an economic catastrophe. Many people who will be at the limit with the debts, will sell their houses, properties, even the things that they have in their house to survive. We will probably be 3 years economically stagnant. Likewise the "big

entrepreneurs", since the people who consume will not have money. Just as the inputs will continue to rise in price.

We are going to be economically paralyzed for 3 years or in 3 years the worst will come. Although Covid-19 paralyzed us economically for a while, now comes the economic war. Social networks will stop working or will present faults. There will be no electricity or it will be cut off for hours or days. There will be an issue with water, it will start to get scarce in some places on the planet and droughts will increase every year. For work, there will be work, but the

working conditions will become labor exploitation and the work environment will be terrible. Overnight, armed conflicts will quietly break out in Europe and Asia. They will start attacking the night. At the moment I don't see a major nuclear disaster that will wipe out most of the planet. Millions of families will lose a lot of money saved for years. From one day to the next they will be left with little money. Other families even migrating and drifting away with what little or what they had of money. They go across the pond and catch nothing. They will drift away.

There is going to be a lot of labor exploitation these 3 years that we will be bad economically. People will not stand to see their salaries cut or laid off en masse. I see people in streets clashing with the police and military for working conditions, lack of money and in the worst cases for not having a home. People will resort to loans but it will be worse because they will end up losing. Two more wars are going to arise apart from the already existing war between Russia and Ukraine.

The war is not expanding and will not become Third World War just yet because they are committed to financially and totally ruining themselves. Or one wins and the other is totally ruined. Obviously no country wants to be left with nothing. They know that nothing is said and that at some point one of their allies may betray them. Previously, I said in my predictions that food prices were going to quintuple. First, food prices doubled. In August 2022, it tripled. I don't see an economic recession like the one in 1929 because there will be no World War III. What I see is that families that had a lot of money or had saved for years are declining. They won't end up on the street, but other families who aren't so lucky will. The 3 Eastern wars are coming, which will be armed conflicts because I don't see potentially dangerous nuclear bombs. People will be scared and economic changes are coming to worse than we are now.


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