sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2022

What happened to Jonbenet Ramsey?

What happened to Jonbenet Ramsey?

Every member of Jonbenet's family had mental problems. The girl served as a gold mine, that is, a source of monetary income for the family. If Jonbenet made the decision to rebel, her family would always attack her. Jonbenet's father has a very strong character, he used to be angry and act furious. Both the father and the mother know the truth of what happened to Jonbenet. While the mother was possessive and saw in her daughter all the possibilities that she couldn't reach when she was little. There was a violent death. Jonbenet was afraid, she was even afraid to be present before the cameras. She no longer wanted to obey because she felt tired. The father ruled and the mother was behind,both humiliated and demanded a lot from their daughter. The three know the truth: Jonbenet's father, mother and brother. All three witnessed Jonbenet's death. From what appears in my tarot cards, I deduce that Jonbenet Ramsey died from blows, ropes and something got out of hand. There was also pushing and shoving.Jonbenet's father and mother committed crime.

Who was the real culprit in Jonbenet's death?

There was violence against Jonbenet before her death. There were bumps and shoves. A man, that is, the father, used violence against Jonbenet. But the mother was present at the time. They were both yelling at Jonbenet. Three people were present: the father, mother and brother. Although Jonbenet's brother didn't participate in the crime, he heard and saw his sister's last moments alive. Jonbenet died of beatings. If Jonbenet had been taken to a hospital, she would have survived. The parents didn't want it that way. Jonbenet remained lying on the floor with blows.The father and mother are culprits for Jonbenet's death. The father would have declared a long time ago, but since he doesn't want to go to prison, he keeps silent. The Ramsey family was very mentally unbalanced, starting with the father and mother. The son also because he was envious. The mother was interested and seeing that Jonbenet didn't want to be part of the game that they played with her, the mother decided to get rid of her. In the last weeks of Jonbenet's life, the family lived in continuous discussions. The three are culprits in Jonbenet's death. The brother didn't commit the crime but he witnessed it and could have helped his sister but he didn't want it that way because he hated his sister. The father beat Jonbenet and the mother constantly yelled at her too. I visualize a lot of violence not only psychological but also physical exerted against Jonbenet.


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