miércoles, 13 de julio de 2022

Weekly horoscope from 17/07/2022 to 23/07/2022

♈Aries: 21 March - 19 April

Be careful not to get sick, if you feel bad, go to the doctor. Some unfortunately will have news of the death of an acquaintance or family member. In the economy, your bad decision will play a trick on you and part of the money you had saved will go on some expenses. In love, you will be disappointed by an ex-couple because it will make you feel bad because he/she want to know nothing about you.

Phrase: Don't let your insecurities make you look like an unstable person.

♉Taurus: 20 April - 20 May 

An unexpected turn in your life. Some will have news of pregnancy, which will cause them concern. If you are waiting for money, you better give it up for lost. Take care of your money that you could have debts later. In love, those who are single will want to have a relationship without commitments.

Phrase: A period of changes is coming, learning situations.

♊Gemini: 21 May - 21 June 

You will have some problems at work, because of some colleagues or clients. Take care of colds or respiratory problems. In love, you will take distance from a person to concentrate in your problems, don't stress.

Phrase: Every situation will be in your favor, a good time to travel.

♋Cancer: 22 June -  22 July 

You will have some problems or inconveniences. If you are expecting a baby, take care of yourself because you could have a loss. Some will present somewhat delicate health problems. In the economy, everything will be fine. If you have a couple or someone in your life, there are things that he/she don't tell you and is hiding from you.

Phrase: You will get rid of any opponent situation in your life, you are wise.

♌Leo: 23 July - 22 August

Those who have a couple or someone in their life,

will have conflicts and even with some persons. Take care of your physical or mental health, some disease is advancing. You will do very well in the economy, progress of projects and arrival of new income of money. Some will have travel opportunities.

Phrase: Control your emotions, avoid giving a bad image to others.

♍Virgo: 23 August - 22 September

You are desperate because you don't get the achievement or money you want. Financial problems are coming. Some will move from city or country. It will be a decision that they will be forced to make. Take care of your health, it is not good that you sleep little, you are anxious all the time, some even have heart problems. In love, you will move away from that person you love because your heart has been hurt.

Phrase: You will focus on yourself and on achieving goals despite the problems. 

♎Libra: 23 September - 23 October 

You will continue dating people but not out of love but out of interest in something else, that reality makes you sad or even cry. In the economy, everything will go very well, a new job or increase in money will come.

Phrase: Stop looking for love in the wrong people, learn to love yourself.

♏Scorpio: 24 October - 21 November

Bad economic news is coming, even some will be laid off from their jobs. You will feel collapsed not knowing what to do. Some will make the decision to leave the place where they live. In love, there is a third person and you will decide to end the relationship.

Phrase: Every failure is a learning in your life, don't give up.

♐Sagittarius: 22 November - 21 December

There will be a conflict due to difference of thoughts between another person and you, some will fight with their partners. A trip is coming up, but be careful not to spend too much because then it would be difficult to recover that money in months. I work hard to achieve a goal. Some will enjoy love with their couples.

Phrase: Control your temper and that desire to rebel against the rules.

♑Capricorn: 22 December - 19 January 

There is someone at work who doesn't like you and will move heaven and earth so that you are no longer there. Take care of your money and avoid a possible dismissal from work. Those who are looking for work, there will be problems. Those who have a couple, unfortunately that relationship will come to an end. Take care of your mental health. Changes are coming.

Phrase: Don't let bewilderment and worry oppress your desire to get ahead in life.

♒Aquarius: 20 January - 18 February

A negative surprise on an economic level will not let you sleep. In some cases I feel that you can't sleep because someone is working them with witchcraft. In love, there are things that have you confused about your couple or the person you are dating.

Phrase: Being attentive to some changes and being with all five senses well placed will avoid problems.

♓Pisces: 19 February - 20 March 

There is an older person who is putting obstacles for you at a work or economic level, but you will still come out a winner. In love, some will forgive infidelities because they are afraid of loneliness. If you just ended a relationship, a good person comes into your life.

Phrase: Don't get carried away by your feelings, have character.


GENERAL PREDICTION: 1. Five earthquakes. Earthquakes of magnitude 7.5, 7.0, 6.8 and 6.0 in Central and South America. Floods in South Ameri...