miércoles, 6 de julio de 2022

Presidential elections in Paraguay and economic situation until 2024

Who will win the next presidential elections?

I visualize a man as president of Paraguay by 2023. Paraguay will continue to be a right-wing party.

Soledad Nunez: She will be very close to winning the presidential elections. Nunez will be in second place because she will have very little percentage left to win, tough elections. She won't win.

Sebastián Villarejo: Go down a little more in percentage and he will not win the presidential elections.

Santiago Peña: He will be the winner of the presidential elections. But I have a feeling that a percentage of the population will not be happy with the results of the elections.

Economic situation of Paraguay until 2024

I visualize expectations that will not be met. There will be corruption in that new government. Many people will regret not having voted for a woman for the presidency who had many projects for the country. People frightened by the economy, decline. I visualize that some politicians will leave their positions, the president who is elected after the 2023 elections could also leave office. People are going to protest to demonstrate their disagreement with the current government. Mourning in Paraguayan politics, a former president will die in the next two years. Be careful with the decisions made by the citizens of Paraguay because it could lead to an abysmal economic decline in the country.


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