viernes, 3 de junio de 2022

Grimes and Elon Musk

How is the marriage of Grimes and Elon Musk?

If Grimes ended her marriage to Musk, her career would sink. Elon Musk hits Grimes but she leaves because she loves him and at the same time knows that she is financially secure with him. Elon Musk is impulsive, she's a bit submissive, and she's a bit crazy. Elon Musk likes to have multiple casual couples despite being married to Grimes.

Bonus: Grimes is going to have a third child. 

Has anyone been unfaithful?

Definitely yes, but Grimes too. I visualize that Musk has cheated on her many times and she knows. They have even had discussions not only with each other but with their families. 

Musk cheated on Grimes with Amber Heard?

Yes, he wanted it to be a secret but with the Amber Heard case this was revealed. Lots of fights and tears from Grimes upon seeing this news.

Is Grimes in poor mental health?

I can't say for sure, but she has a duality in her behavior, possibly Bipolar Disorder. But it is also about unhealed childhood-adolescence wounds. Grimes is also a person with a tendency to lie and hide things. Lack of real love in her life.

I visualize her in hospital one for a future pregnancy but also hospitalized for her mental health. He is afraid of Musk and fears for his music career, he could be left with nothing. I feel like an older woman is giving her directions and manages her life, that also has her in a bad mood. 

We will see her away from Musk and with rumors of divorce, but she is afraid. That will happen in about 3 years.

Has Grimes suffered physical violence from Musk?

Yes, he has hit her on a few occasions and this causes sadness in Grimes and in her I feel a lack of real love. But as soon as they both make peace because they remember their family and their economic possession and both apologize.

Even an older woman knows about these aggressive fights between Musk and Grimes. He is sometimes violent and she is also not far behind. Musk has definitely cheated on her several times, like 10. Musk has helped her in her music career and she feels that if she doesn't let him control her, she could lose everything.


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