martes, 3 de mayo de 2022

Predictions for Russia part II

What will be the cause of Putin's death?

He enjoys a good immune system despite the illness that afflicts him. There will be women involved in his future death that will happen unexpectedly and not because of his current illness. That he protect his integrity, although he knows that he has several enemies. I visualize that he will be assassinated, a plot against him.

Will Nikolai Patrushev remain in power? 

No, he will only be for a while. 

Will Putin come back? 

Yes, he returns to continue his mandate. 

How long does Putin have left to live?

From November to August. More than 3 years.

Will die by cancer: no. 

Will die by natural death: no.

He will die in an attack or is assassinated: yes.

Predictions made with Oracolo dei Pellerossa and Rider Waite Tarot on May 3,2022. 


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