jueves, 5 de mayo de 2022

My first prediction in 2019

Being a highly intuitive person is not easy. Many times, you live in fear and ask yourself daily: what will happen tomorrow? will everything go well? Well, I tell you, in the seventh month of the year 2019, I had a very prophetic dream. I dreamed with a tsunami and that it was leaving many people lifeless, some were injured and others were as if nothing had happened. Yes, the dream was telling me that a pandemic and subsequent economic imbalance would come worldwide. Also in that same year I dreamed things related to the supposed world war that we are experiencing, I make it clear that for me it is only a war between two countries and that the United States always wants to interfere. In 2019 I dreamed that the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, entered a place which seemed to be an embassy and inside there was a Ukrainian flag. For three years later, this war is announced that still has not ceased and from what I have been verifying with my letters, let's say that it will not end tomorrow or next month either. Maybe, in more than 3 years it will end but we don't know that suddenly the worst can come. Then during these three years I have been dreaming of empty streets and supermarkets full of people but protesting and fighting for food, almost empty markets and that made me wake up anguished so that now in this year 2022 all this is happening. Here is a compilation of what I wrote down to save for later.


Portales desconocidos y prohibidos, nos ocultan la verdad. Traiciones y más corrupción, inestabilidad política reinará.  Peligro en lugares ...